2024 Corporate Report

Financial statements

Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024

Section D: Notes to the THT and TIL financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024

Operating performance

D3 Segment information Refer to Note B4 for further information around the structure of the segments for the Transurban Group. THT operating segments Management have determined that THT has one operating segment.

THT operations involve the leasing of assets and the provision of funding to the Transurban Group or related parties of the Transurban Group. All revenues and expenses are directly attributable to these activities. The management structure and internal reporting of THT are based on this one operating segment. TIL operating segments Management have determined that TIL has one operating segment. TIL’s operations involve investments in toll roads in Montreal and the Greater Washington Area in North America. All revenues and expenses are directly attributable to these activities. The management structure and internal reporting of TIL are based on this one operating segment. Proportional segment information includes the results of discontinued operations, being A25, at proportional ownership of 100% for the period 1 July 2022 to 28 February 2023 and 50% from 1 March 2023 to 30 June 2024. Reconciliation of segment information to statutory financial information Segment information for North America as disclosed in the Transurban Group segment note (Note B4) is reconciled to the TIL statutory financial information below. Segment revenue Revenue from external customers comprises toll and fee revenues earned on toll roads. Segment revenue reconciles to total statutory revenue as follows:


2023 $M $M



Total segment revenue (proportional)



Add: Intragroup elimination 1



Less: Proportional revenue of non-100% owned equity accounted assets 2 Toll revenue receipts relating to the A25 concession financial asset 3 Other revenue receipts relating to the A25 concession financial asset 3



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(10) (10) (41)

Revenue attributable to discontinued operations

Total statutory revenue from continuing operations




1. Statutory revenue recognised in relation to arrangements with the equity accounted investments that are eliminated for segment purposes. 2. Statutory financial information classifies the results of A25 as discontinued operations in the comparative period up until the date of the transaction on 28 February 2023. 3. The Executive Committee members acting as the chief operating decision maker assesses the performance of TIL using proportional results that include A25 income streams relating to availability payments and guaranteed toll income which are classified as revenue within the proportional results. These revenues form part of the ordinary activities of A25 and are reflective of its underlying performance. Up to the date of sale of the Group’s controlling interest in A25 on 28 February 2023 (refer to Note B21), for statutory accounting purposes, these income streams offset the related concession financial asset receivable recorded on acquisition of the original controlling interest in A25, which has been disposed of as part of the sale of A25.

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