2024 Corporate Report

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Independent Assurance Report to the Directors of Transurban Group Conclusion Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions – Reasonable Assurance In our opinion, in all material respects, Transurban Total Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions and Total Scope 2 (market and location based) greenhouse gas emissions have been prepared by Transurban in accordance with Management Criteria for the year ended 30 June 2024. Environmental Indicators, Health and Safety Indicators, and Environmental Qualitative Claims - Limited Assurance Based on the evidence obtained from the procedures performed, we are not aware of any material misstatement in the Environmental Indicators, Health and Safety Indicators, and Environmental Qualitative Claims, which have been prepared by Transurban in accordance with Management Criteria for the year ended 30 June 2024. Based on the evidence obtained from the procedures performed, we are not aware of any material misstatement in the Environmental Indicators, Health and Safety Indicators, and Environmental Qualitative Claims, which have been prepared by Transurban in accordance with Management Criteria for the year ended 30 June 2024. Information Subject to Assurance The Information Subject to Assurance comprised the following data as presented in the 2024 Corporate Report, and the Transurban Group 2024 Sustainability Data Pack and as included in the table below: Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions - Reasonable Assurance Reported value • Total Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions 5,910 tCO 2 -e • Total scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (“location-based”) 184,066 tCO 2 -e Total scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (“market-based”) 30,669 tCO 2 Environmental Indicators - Limited Assurance: Reported value Total Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions 370,826 tCO • Total energy consumed 1,046,605 GJ Renewable electricity percentage 87 % Air emissions (tonnes/year) 12.8 t – CityLink (NO 2 ) Information Subject to Assurance The Information Subject to Assurance comprised the following data as presented in the 2024 Corporate Report, and the Transurban Group 2024 Sustainability Data Pack and as included in the table below: Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions - Reasonable Assurance Reported value • Total Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions 5,910 tCO 2 -e • Total scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (“location-based”) 184,066 tCO 2 -e • Total scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (“market-based”) 30,669 tCO 2 -e Environmental Indicators - Limited Assurance: Reported value • Total Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions 370,826 tCO 2 -e • Total energy consumed 1,046,605 GJ • Renewable electricity percentage 87 % • Air emissions (tonnes/year) 12.8 t – CityLink (NO 2 ) 32.0 t – Lane Cove Tunnel (NO x ) 7.7 t – Cross City Tunnel (NO x ) Independent Assurance Report to the Directors of Transurban Group Conclusion Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions – Reasonable Assurance In our opinion, in all material respects, Transurban Total Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions and Total Scope 2 (market and location based) greenhouse gas emissions have been prepared by Transurban in accordance with Management Criteria for the year ended 30 June 2024. Environmental Indicators, Health and Safety Indicators, and Environmental Qualitative Claims - Limited Assurance

• Total customer travel emissions • Total customer travel emissions saved • Total customer travel emissions • Total customer travel emissions saved Total waste generated % Asset waste diverted from landfill % Office waste diverted from landfill • Total waste generated • % Asset waste diverted from landfill • % Office waste diverted from landfill • % Major project waste diverted from landfill Potable water % Major project waste diverted from landfill Total water

32.0 t – Lane Cove Tunnel (NO x ) 7.7 t – Cross City Tunnel (NO x ) 1,439,981 tCO 2 -e 2,974 tCO 2 -e

1,439,981 tCO 2 -e 22,479 t

2,974 tCO 2 -e 92 %

22,479 t 41%

92 % 95%

41% 114,367 m 3 114,271 m 3 95% 114,367 m 3 97 m 3

• Total water • Potable water • Recycled water Recycled water

114,271 m 3

97 m 3

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