2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

10.8M customers, 6.71M Australia, 4.08M North America

446,000 hours saved by customers every workday

Customers Providing clear value on and off the road.

With approximately 2.5 million trips on average made on our roads every day, the key reasons our customers tell us they choose to take our roads are for faster, safer and more reliable trips. 1 And with heavy vehicles and light commercial vehicles comprising over 15% of these trips, our assets provide crucial connections for freight vehicles travelling between distribution centres, airports and ports. As we grow, our priority is to build our customers’ trust by making using our roads as simple and as seamless as possible – whether they’re planning a trip, driving on our roads or managing their travel online. In FY24, our customers collectively saved an average of 446,000 hours 2 in travel time every workday by choosing to travel with us. This in turn saved an average 2,974 GHG emissions every workday. 3 We continue to seek feedback from our 10.8 million customers about what they expect from us, and this year saw us respond by rolling out digital channel improvements and partnering with Google to provide toll pricing on their Australian maps. And with cost-of-living front of mind this year, we worked on building even more value for our customers off the road, through our Linkt Rewards program.

~2.5M trips on average taken on our roads every day

+1M Linkt Rewards members

Figure 3: Average daily traffic and travel-time savings by region

Average workday travel-time savings (# hours) 2

Average daily traffic (# vehicles)










North America



1 Transurban Insights: Urban Mobility Trends (August 2024) 2 Compared to the toll free alternative route 3 F or further information, see our FY24 Sustainability Data Pack

CityLink, Melbourne


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