2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Progressing transport agendas

Across the broader road network, fatalities have increased in Australia 1 and North America 2 – Australia recorded an 11.7% year on year increase in road deaths between July 2023 and June 2024. In FY24, we collaborated with government and industry leaders to develop integrated solutions to help reduce road deaths and serious injuries on all roads. Working together to tackle road trauma

As city populations continue to grow, we’re working with state, federal and local governments to support current operations and future development of the efficient transport networks cities need and deserve. Supporting toll reform in NSW Transurban was pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the NSW Government’s Independent Toll Review during FY24. This included presenting at the public hearing and responding to the Toll Review’s Interim Report. We support the objectives of the Review and we are aligned in our efforts to make toll roads simpler and fairer for NSW motorists. We are committed to help delivering these improvements, and together with our NSW investment partners (AustralianSuper, CPP Investments, IFM Investors, UniSuper, QIC Limited, CDPQ and Tawreed Investments Ltd) we’re continuing to collaborate with the NSW Government on solutions. We believe there is a way to deliver meaningful reform that helps customers in practical ways as Sydney continues to grow, while also protecting the value of the investment we have made in the city’s roads over nearly two decades.

In Victoria, we facilitated the Victoria Police Driving Road Safety Forum. At this event, more than 180 Victoria Police members, experts and interstate and international police leaders joined the Chief Commissioner, Minister for Police and Victorian road safety agency heads to learn from road safety experts on opportunities to address the tragic increase in road trauma. In NSW, we participated in the NSW Road Safety Forum, hosted by the NSW Government. A first for the state, the event brought international and Australian experts together to share insights into successful approaches for improving road safety. For National Road Safety Week (May 2024) we hosted two industry safety forums, in Brisbane and Melbourne, bringing together industry leaders, government

and research experts from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). These forums showcased NeuRA’s research at the Transurban Road Safety Centre into the safe transport of children with disabilities and medical conditions; and occupant protection needs for a future of automated vehicles. And in North America, we participated in a safety seminar put on by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, providing information and safety tips on how to drive around heavy freight vehicles. All of these events provided meaningful opportunities to support our road safety partners, share expertise, discuss insights and identify opportunities to drive down road trauma.

Learn more about our road safety approach on page 26

1 B ureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE), Road Deaths: 12 Month Total website, Microsoft Power BI, accessed 23 July 2024 2 N ational Safety Council, NSC Estimates Traffic Crashes Took More Than 44,000 Lives in 2023, nsc.org, accessed 17 May 2024

Transurban Road Safety Centre at NeuRA


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