2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Contributing to policy development As a leading road operator, we understand how people move around cities. Transurban shares relevant findings on road transport with government and industry to inform future policy and opportunities. We are working to ensure our customers travel safely, and sustainably, today and in the future.

Sharing our insights Each year, we share our insights and research on mobility trends and road-transport topics. Reports produced in FY24 include: • Transurban Industry Report: Mobility Trends Report (August 2023) examined workplace attendance, vehicle-use habits, reasons for travel and other mobility trends. • Transurban Insights: Road Safety (November 2023) examined driving behaviours that contribute to the likelihood of a road incident occurring and the severity of injury. • Transurban Insights: Liveable and Productive Cities (February 2024) examined population and economic growth, freight, network accessibility and connectivity, and technology. • Transurban Insights: Electric Vehicles (February 2024) examined current levels of hybrid and electric vehicle ownership, and barriers to adoption. In August 2024, we also released: • Transurban Insights: Urban Mobility Trends examined a broad range of factors that influence people’s mobility choices.

Supporting governments to shape a sustainable infrastructure future

We contributed to the Queensland Government’s Reducing Government

Infrastructure Emissions Roadmap Discussion Paper, with our response reinforcing the need to embed emission reductions in infrastructure decision-making, reduce infrastructure’s embodied and operational emissions, grow a green supply chain for infrastructure and highlighting the importance of and promoting outcomes. We also contributed to the Victorian Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee’s Inquiry into Climate Resilience, including by outlining the climate change framework designed to help us achieve net- zero emissions by 2050. In FY24, we continued advocating for greener transport, contributing to the Federal Government’s Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles and providing feedback on the Australian New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Proposed Options.

As the operator of key transport routes in all of our cities, we’re committed to working with our stakeholders to help decarbonise the transport sector. We share our experience and insights by contributing to government inquiries and industry initiatives, to advocate for better sustainability outcomes. In FY24, we participated in a technical risk and resilience assessment workshop to support the development of the Resilient Sydney Strategy 2.0 for Greater Sydney, addressing emerging resilience risks and trends for the next five years (2025–2030). We’re also participating in the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute’s (ASFI) Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Technical Advisory Group for Transport. Transurban is also supporting the Business Council of Australia’s Net Zero Project 2035 to develop emissions reduction targets and associated decarbonisation opportunities for priority pathways, including transport.

WestConnex, Sydney


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