2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Climate strategy

We continue to evolve and mature our response to climate change, and to manage the associated impacts across our operations, organisational strategy, financial planning and major construction and development projects.

Our response is underpinned by our Climate Change Framework, with current and future priority areas related to our transition to net zero, resilient infrastructure and operations, and governance summarised in Figure 10. Key activities under these priority areas are described in more detail below.

Figure 10: Climate Change Framework current and future priority areas

Scope 1 and 2 science-based emission reduction target: 50% reduction by 2030 Transition fleet to electric vehicles; contractor targets for fuel efficiency and transition to electric vehicles; ongoing tunnel ventilation optimisation and lighting upgrades; and transition to 100% renewables

Expected initiatives to reach net zero 100% renewable electricity use; eliminate residual fuel use through electrification across direct and contractor operations Expected initiatives to reach net zero Accelerate uptake of lower-carbon materials; supply chain minimum contract requirements; partnerships to drive sectoral transition; carbon offset where residual emissions cannot be avoided

Scope 3 science-based emission reduction target: 55% reduction in emissions intensity across major construction and development projects, and a 22% reduction in emissions intensity across purchased goods and services by 2030 Engage supply chain on commitments to renewable energy and science-based targets; increase availability and use of lower-carbon and circular materials; enhance major project specifications and industry engagements and partnerships

Transition to net zero 1

Customer emissions 2 Support reduction of transport-related emissions through electric vehicle advocacy, education and partnerships, and other sustainable driving and mobility initiatives

Financial climate risk and adaptation assessment Measure and quantify identified long-term impacts of climate-related risks (threats and opportunities) and adaptation measures

Continued integration of climate into business operation Development of climate-related metrics across asset lifecycle and traffic models to continuously improve business resilience and future climate-related projections

Resilient infrastructure and operations

Ongoing delivery of asset-specific Climate Change Adaptation Plans (CCAPs) Including risk and adaptation assessments, defined adaptation pathways, broad financial implications, triggers and thresholds

Broader infrastructure assessment and enhancing resilience Work with key external stakeholders to understand climate-related risks to adjacent roads and supporting infrastructure and develop shared responses (where applicable) to build community and transport system resilience

Ongoing climate-related risk and adaptation assessment reviews Monitoring of climate-related metrics; reporting; and training, awareness and capacity building

Refresh sustainability and climate governance approach In line with ASRS reporting requirements and other new and emerging standards including ISSB

ASRS readiness Prepare for mandatory climate-related financial reporting anticipated from 1 July 2025

ASRS reporting (FY26 and beyond) Mandatory climate-related financial reporting anticipated to commence from 1 July 2025


FY25 3

FY26 3

FY30 3 

FY50 3

FY24 3

1 For more information on Transurban’s reporting methodology and scope see the Transurban GHG Basis of Preparation 2 S cope 3 does not include customer emissions. For all scope 3 boundaries see the Transurban GHG Basis of Preparation 3 Time horizons indicate EOFY and are not to scale


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