2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Minimising our environmental impacts

Biodiversity Protecting the natural environment along our motorways is an important part of how we manage our assets. We continue to deepen our understanding and consider new opportunities to protect the natural environment. In FY24, we undertook an ecological survey of the M5 South-West motorway (Sydney), to develop a geographical information system map of vegetation along the asset. This included confirming locations of ecological communities and threatened species. Survey findings will support maintenance activities and continual improvement in environment management. During the next year we will evaluate the effectiveness of the approach and whether it should be applied to other assets. The M5 South-West was selected for our first survey due to its age and the extent of vegetation alongside the road. It was also an opportunity to support our partnership with Muru Mittigar, a Dharug Aboriginal Social Enterprise, which has two landscape apprentices working and learning on the asset, through our major maintenance contractor (read more on page 67). Figure 19: Our GHG reduction targets 2 Net zero emissions by 2050 in scope 1, 2 and 3 50% reduction scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 22% reduction scope 3 carbon intensity of purchased goods and services by 2030 55% reduction scope 3 carbon intensity of our major projects by 2030

We are committed to working with our stakeholders to improve environmental standards and help combat the impacts of climate change.

We are targeting net-zero emissions by 2050 and committed to meeting our 2030 near-term science-based targets along the way (see Figure 19). For more information, see Investor. Managing materials and waste Working with our employees and supply chain, we’re focused on reducing waste, improving recycling and re-using materials. We’re also committed to supporting the circular economy. We have waste diversion targets to drive the efficient use of resources across our assets and projects. In FY24 we achieved an asset landfill diversion rate of 92%. We continue to develop asset and project-specific approaches to waste management and circular materials. Since we launched our office waste trial in Queensland last year, we set a challenge to achieve a recycling rate of 60% across our three Australian corporate offices. Waste management targets In FY23, we set targets for diverting waste from landfill. Here’s how we’re tracking: Assets Operational and maintenance waste diverted from landfill Target 80% by 2025, achieved 92%

For the three-month trial, an average of 52% waste diverted from landfill was achieved. The challenge highlighted the importance of continual employee engagement on understanding location-specific waste and recycling practices. Moving forward this will be an ongoing focus of our materials and waste strategy development. Circular economy expert, Circonomy – an Australian-based social enterprise – supported us with this program. Water Potable and recycled water are utilised on various assets for operational activities including road cleaning, amenities, maintenance, fire systems and irrigation. Water quality and flows of stormwater, groundwater and seepage water are monitored in accordance with our contractual and regulatory obligations. Our total water consumption by asset is available in our FY24 Sustainability Data Pack. In FY24, we opened a water treatment plant to treat approximately 700 kilolitres of water that is collected daily from Sydney’s new Rozelle Interchange. Once treated and tested to meet environmental obligations, the water is released into a constructed wetland and ultimately to Rozelle Bay. In the US, as part of our project to extend the 495 Express Lanes, we have taken extensive measures to control erosion and flooding of a natural stream channel adjacent to the project. The work will provide erosion protection from continued stream meandering for nearby residents. Air quality We undertake air quality monitoring of our operational tunnel assets to meet contractual and regulatory requirements. The data is collected (as required) from within tunnels, ventilation outlets and ambient stations. The air quality monitoring data is assessed for compliance with relevant requirements and results are published on the Linkt website.

Construction spoil Waste diverted from landfill Target 95%, achieved 99%

Construction and demolition Waste diverted from landfill Target 95%, achieved 95%

More detail is available in our FY24 Sustainability Data Pack.

1 Includes Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne corporate offices 2 A ll GHG targets are relative to a FY19 baseline. Scope 3 does not include customer emissions. For more information on Transurban’s reporting approach and boundaries, see the Transurban GHG Basis of Preparation


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