2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Progressing gender equality Our business needs talent from many professions where women have been traditionally underrepresented – particularly infrastructure and technology. We recognise our opportunity to progress gender equality in our organisation and contribute to enhancing the representation of women in our industry. We hold a goal to achieve gender balanced representation – 40% men, 40% women, 20% any gender/non-binary – across our direct workforce and in leadership. We support this objective through a focus on equitable hiring and talent processes and development opportunities, including gender balanced representation in our leadership development programs. Since 2022, we have sustained gender balance on our Executive Committee, at Senior Management and across our overall workforce. This year, we also reached gender balance on the Transurban Board.

We continue growing the pipeline of female talent in our industry. Since 2014, more than 140 women have begun their STEM careers through our mentoring program for women studying engineering and technology. In FY24 we welcomed five university students in to the program. In 2024, our targeted efforts towards gender equality were recognised by Equileap, who ranked Transurban as the #1 Company for Gender Equality globally, 1 putting us in the top 10 in Australia and top 20 globally for the fourth consecutive year. We also maintained our recognition as Employer of Choice by the a Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for the 2023 to 2025 period, making this the 11th consecutive year we have held this recognition. For more on our holistic approach to progressing gender equality, see our Corporate Governance Statement, transurban.com/corporate- governance-statement

Reducing gender pay gaps We continue to undertake regular, comprehensive pay-equity analysis, monitoring whether men and women performing the same or comparable work are paid equitably. In this measure of comparing like-for-like roles, we continue to maintain a gap of less than +/-1%. In 2024, for the first time, the WGEA published gender pay gap data for all applicable Australian employers. As defined by WGEA, gender pay gaps are not a comparison of like roles. Instead, they show the difference between the mean or median pay of women and men across organisations, industries and the overall workforce. Transurban’s Gender Pay Gap Context Statement summarised our Australian gender pay gap data and our ongoing strategy to reduce the gap. As reported by WGEA, as of 31 March 2023 our Australian median gender pay gap for base salary was 12.0% and for total remuneration was 13.0%, well below the national average. We also monitor gender pay gaps for our total workforce including North America, and report this to the Transurban Board. The biggest drivers of our gender pay gaps relate to the gender mix in our workforce, across levels and types of work, a challenge common across our industry. We remain committed to reducing our gender pay gaps over the long term. Respect at work Safety is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to ensuring our workplaces are safe and respectful for everyone. Employees complete annual ‘Respect and Equity at Work’ training as part of our Respect@Work program. 95% of our employees agree that gender- based and sexual harassment is not tolerated at Transurban, a figure that has remained consistent for the past three years. We have measures in place to identify the risk factors that can lead to this behaviour and control those risks by taking preventative action, as well as corrective action. If an employee is subjected to inappropriate conduct, we support them by responding in a timely way, taking a trauma-informed and person-centric approach and continuously monitoring effectiveness of the measures we have in place.

Figure 21: Workforce demographics FY24 2 Gender men women non-binary



Executive Committee (excluding CEO)

Direct employees





Board (including CEO)

Senior Management




under 30 30–50 over 50

12% 67%


1 E quileap assesses around 4,000 companies worldwide on criteria including gender balance, equitable compensation, equality and flexibility policies and demonstrated commitment to progressing gender equality 2 D ata derived from anonymous self-identification as a proportion of those who responded to the question in Our Voice 2024


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