2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Reducing supply chain emissions

We continue to focus on achieving scope 3 emissions reductions across key construction materials and setting supplier requirements and targets.

New roads and major road upgrades usually involve using materials with high levels of embodied emissions, such as concrete, asphalt and steel. We work with our project contractors and suppliers to identify project- specific low-carbon and circular materials opportunities to reduce embodied carbon across these these high emissions products. To date, this has helped reduce embodied GHG emissions by 771,580 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) across nine major projects. CDP supply chain engagement In FY24 Transurban achieved a CDP Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) of A-. This score puts us above our peer group average, B-, and the global average, C, and ranks us in CDP’s SER Leadership group. Data collected by CDP includes key quantitative measures essential to tracking our supply chain emission reductions, including: overall supply chain decarbonisation; climate resilience; and supply chain (scope 3) emission-reduction target progress.

Reducing emissions on the M7-M12 Integration Project We collaborate with our project

• Using solar-powered lighting towers wherever possible to further reduce emissions and reliance on diesel generators. • Using recycled materials in construction activities, such as using more than 9,000 tonnes of locally sourced recycled densely graded base; plus resource recovery order material sourced from other, Sydney-based projects; and virgin excavated natural material. • Using 40% recycled asphalt pavement and 10% recycled crushed glass for the construction compound carpark, reducing asphalt-associated GHG emissions by approximately 20%.

delivery partners to develop innovative ways to reduce the environmental impacts of project delivery and operations, and to extract more social and environmental value from our projects, in line with Infrastructure Sustainability rating criteria. For our M7-M12 Integration Project (Sydney), we’ve worked with our delivery partner John Holland on multiple initiatives to reduce GHG emissions and use recycled materials. Examples include: • Using B5 biodiesel instead of mineral diesel in equipment such as caravan generators, reducing GHG emissions by around 5% against mineral diesel.

1 1 H24 data – full year has not yet been submitted to the government under the Australian Government’s Payment Times Reporting Scheme

NorthConnex, Sydney


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