2024 Corporate Report

Business performance

Contractor safety We work with contractors across all stages of a project’s lifecycle – from design and construction to operations and maintenance and into upgrade works. Millions of contractor hours are worked on our major projects each year.

16.7M contractor hours worked on projects and operations

Along with our contractor, delivery and government partners, we want our projects completed safely, and we want everyone involved to work and go home safely. We work closely and collaboratively with our supply chain partners to identify and mitigate potential health, safety and environment (HSE) risks and hazards. We are now in our fourth year working under our HSE Contractor Management Framework that embeds HSE analytics into our risk reporting and analysis. This approach is designed to improve our overall understanding, identification and management of hazards, risks, incidents and near misses. Although we experienced challenges with recordable injuries this year, since its implementation, our framework has focused on improving contractor HSE performance, with an average result of 3.4 over the past six years. Our Contractor Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) is a key measure of our performance, which although slightly above the FY24 threshold of 3.4, it remains 40% below the industry benchmark of 5.84 and represents a material improvement from our half year performance reported as 4.07. We manage our contractors using an active client model, where risk-mitigation responsibilities and accountabilities are clearly defined. We know how important it is to learn from any incident, so we also have well-established processes to respond to outcomes of incident investigations and communicate lessons learnt across our regions.

Our contractor RIFR of 3.47 was slightly above the FY24 threshold of 3.4 recordable injuries per million work hours (Figure 23). Recordable injuries include: • lost-time injuries, where a person loses one or more full shifts from work • medical treatment injuries, where medical treatment (other than first aid) is required. Our RIFR data is principally project-related and comprises mainly low-severity injuries such as hand lacerations that allowed prompt returns to work. Read more about our safety approach with our customers (pages 26–27) and our people (pages 64–65). Contractor safety forum​ In FY24, our contractor safety forum provided an opportunity for our Australian contractor partners from across three states and diverse operating environments, to share safety insights and learnings and contribute to improved collective safety performance. The full-day event, held during Safe Work Month in October, focused on the themes of HSE innovation, engaging people, influencing behaviour, emergency preparedness and psychosocial risk. Active client approach in practice In mid-2023, Ventia was awarded the Transurban Queensland Incident Response and Maintenance service provider contract. Our team effectively collaborated with Ventia to support the safe and successful transition of a critical service to a new Queensland provider, Ventia. This included delivering activities to support operational readiness prior to go-live dates such as cultural alignment and risk workshops; scenario- based training; assurance planning and WHS readiness assessments.

Figure 23: Contractor RIFR













Active client responsibilities Contractors Our contractors identify and manage HSE risks associated with delivering the contracted works. Transurban We carry out assurance activities, including monitoring to ensure works are being performed in line with the contractor’s stated processes. Contractors and Transurban We undertake collaborative activities such as joint HSE walks and site visits to understand risks and monitor controls. We know how important it is to learn from any incident, so we also have well- established processes to respond to outcomes of incident investigations and communicate lessons learnt across our regions.


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