2024 Corporate Report

Governance and risk

Governance policies Transurban has a number of governance policies to guide how it does business, including: • Anti-Bribery, Corruption and Fraud Policy ― communicates our approach in relation to the prevention, detection, deterrence, management and reporting of bribery, corruption and fraud risks. • Code of Conduct ― articulates the behaviour expected of Transurban’s Directors, employees and contingent workers whenever they are representing Transurban or undertaking work on Transurban’s behalf. • Conflicts Management Policy ― defines the process for Transurban’s Directors, employees and contingent workers to appropriately declare and manage actual, perceived and potential conflicts of interest where their personal interests might come (or might have the appearance of coming) into conflict with the interests of Transurban. • Continuous Disclosure Policy ― establishes our procedure for compliance with Transurban’s continuous disclosure obligations and provides guidance for the identification of material information and timely disclosure of Transurban’s activities to the market. • Dealing in Securities Policy ― prohibits Transurban Directors, employees, contractors and their related parties from dealing in Transurban securities if they are in possession of price-sensitive information and provides for open periods during which they may trade, subject to any required approvals being obtained. • Health, Safety and Environment Policy ― provides Transurban’s commitment to healthy, safe and environmentally responsible places of work for employees, contractors and visitors, including supporting the physical and psychological health and wellbeing of our people.

Corporate Governance Statement

• Human Rights Policy ― outlines Transurban’s support for internationally recognised human rights, identifying the issues most salient to Transurban and how we prevent, mitigate and respond to negative impacts. • Political Contributions Policy ― provides that: in Australia, Transurban does not make political donations or contributions of any nature to any political party, politician, elected official or candidate for public office; in the USA, any political contributions must be in accordance with applicable Transurban guidelines; and in Canada, political donations of any kind are illegal and therefore not permitted under any circumstances. • Risk Management Policy and Enterprise Risk Management Framework ― provides guidance and direction on the management of risk in Transurban and states Transurban’s commitment to the effective management of risk. • Supplier Sustainability Code of Practice — outlines our minimum requirements and leadership expectations, which encourage suppliers to go beyond legal compliance to advance social, environmental and economic outcomes in the communities in which we operate. • Sustainability Policy ― contains our commitment to sustainability, including specific commitments around achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050 and UN Sustainable Development Goals. • Whistleblower Policy ― supports and encourages people to freely raise concerns if they have witnessed, or have reasonable grounds to suspect, any misconduct or improper state of affairs in relation to Transurban and sets out how Transurban will respond to and investigate matters raised and outlines the support and protections available to those who report matters under the policy.

For detailed information on the corporate governance framework and main governance practices, policies and charters of Transurban Group for the year ended 30 June 2024, including details of the Group’s compliance with the 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations, refer to the Group’s 2024 Corporate Governance Statement on the Transurban website.

Read more about our corporate governance at transurban.com/ corporate-governance


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