2024 Corporate Report

Governance and risk

Measuring risk management effectiveness and continuous improvement We have multiple assurance activities to assess the value and success of our ERM activities. Our Board monitors and reviews our ERM Framework’s effectiveness. Our internal audit team conducts, at the Board’s request, annual reviews of the framework, to demonstrate to the Board that the framework remains sound and that it aligns with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. Review activities comprise: • Conducting a gap analysis of Transurban’s risk management approach alignment with ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations • examining alignment to ISO 31000:2018 – Risk management • assessing our ERM Framework against other leading practice frameworks. We also assess our risk culture via risk-specific questions in our annual employee ‘Our Voice’

• Operational management Owns and manage risks identified directly through day-to-day operations. • Risk, compliance and resilience functions Provide oversight, guidance, and support to ensure first-line assurance activities are appropriately applied. • Internal audit team Provides assurance services, with outcomes from our risk processes used to define internal audit focus areas. Internal audits also provide independent assurance to our Audit and Risk Committee (ARC). The audits also support management in maintaining an effective risk and control environment. Our broader internal audit assurance activities are co-sourced and comprise an external audit service provider, EY, and our internal audit team. This approach provides balance, independence, external subject matter expertise and internal knowledge. Our internal audit team operates under a plan approved annually by ARC and has full access to all Transurban Group functions, records, property and personnel. The team reports to the Company Secretary and has a direct reporting line to the ARC Chair. Internal audit results are reported to ARC.

survey (see page 60 for more information). These questions assess the current employee understanding of risk, the level of risk management practice within the business, and the propensity of employees and the business to take considered risk and report where this is outside of our risk appetite. ERM review and employee survey results help us identify business areas requiring focused risk support and drive capability development activities. Results and feedback also inform future risk management training, education and ERM Framework improvement activities. As a result of these activities, in FY24 we further enhanced our risk management framework to support the continued business growth in risk practice maturity. These enhancements included minor changes to our policy and frameworks, including updating our risk appetite statements to reflect FY24 business KPIs and KRIs to ensure we operate within our risk appetite and developing enhanced risk reporting. Updates have also been made to our risk assessment criteria to further enhance the ESG assessment of risks in terms of Health, Safety and Environmental

risk and also in considering the Legal consequences associated with risks.

Figure 25: Integrated risk management in action

Annual activity ARC/Board

Quarterly activity

Continuous activity

Business Resilience

Internal Audit

Review ERM effectiveness and approve changes Review and update Risk Appetite

Review material and emerging risks

Provide assurance of resilience capability and preparedness Reporting on learnings from exercises and incidents

Update audit plan based on key risks and themes

Executive Committee

Review ERM eff ectiveness and approve changes Review and update Risk Appetite

Review key business, strategic and emerging risks

Risk and compliance status reporting

Consider emerging threats and catastrophic risks Exercise and test business response

Annual review of business compliance

Assets, Operations and Business

Set risk objectives and priorities in business plan Update risks in line with objectives

Consolidate and review key business and operational risks

Validate key risks and compliance requirements

Exercise and test response to disruption risks Validate preventative controls

Internal Audit plan review and update to reflect any emerging risks

Review key risks and treatments

Projects, development proposals and acquisition

Set risk objectives and priorities in business plan Update risks in line with objectives

Formal review of risk registers

Validate key risks and compliance requirements

Identification of risks that could disrupt the safe and continuous operations of our assets or critical business processes

Audit reports issued including assessmentsof controls and management actions to enhance the control environment

Review key risks and treatments


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