Turley Law July 2017

Hang on to Your Seat

Vitim River Bridge Location: Siberia

Siberia is about as remote as places come, which means they don’t have a lot of money to devote to luxuries like guardrails and pavement. The Vitim River Bridge, which is made up of rotting wooden planks, is only six feet wide. If that wasn’t challenging enough, the bridge is covered with ice for most of the year. It might not be a long stretch of danger, but every inch has drivers white-knuckling it. Commonwealth Avenue Location: Philippines A modern 18-lane highway might seem an odd choice for this list, until you consider the insane traffic and aggressive drivers who traverse it every day. Located in Quezon City, the road is packed with cars, trucks, motorbikes, and even pedestrians. Drainage is poor, so flooding is common, and no one on this road has any concept of the “right of way.” It may not have the striking topography of some of the world’s other gnarliest roadways, but make no mistake, it’s just as dangerous.

If there’s anybody who knows how to handle treacherous roads, it’s the skilled truckers who haul up to 80,000 pounds at high speeds. American drivers enjoy an extensive and modern infrastructure; however, those who deliver goods in less developed nations don’t always have it so easy. The world is full of roads that make even the most experienced drivers tremble, and here are a few of the scariest. North Yungas Road Location: Bolivia The North Yungas Road, which links the Bolivian capital of La Paz with Coroico, has gained an infamous nickname: the Death Road. It may be only 40 miles long, but those 40 miles are among the scariest you’ll ever encounter. The road is carved into steep cliffs overlooking a vast canyon. Turns are razor sharp, and protection for those that go over the edge can best be described as nonexistent. The Death Road gives new meaning to the phrase “buckle up.”

California Truck and Delivery DriverWage Theft call here 619-407-9902 The easiest way to refer other people to us!

We realize that some folks may be a tad squeamish about referring others to a lawyer. We make it easy for you. Just call us and we can send a free copy of our California Truck and Delivery Driver Wage Theft book to you or to whomever you think might benefit from reading the book. Call 619-407-9902 or email Lisa at lromero@turleylawfirm.com . Thanks for thinking of us. - Bill Turley


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