Spring & Summer Adventure Guide - Visit Ely, MN


Before going hiking or camping, check with the Forest Service for fire restrictions or area closures and current fire danger conditions. An Interactive Map that includes fire updates can be found here.

Plan ahead and prepare—know your route, and tell a responsible adult where you are going and when you plan to return.

If you are using a portable stove, make sure the area is clear of grasses and other debris that may catch fire. Prevent stoves from tipping and starting a fire. Practice Leave No Trace principles—pack out cigarette butts and burned materials from your camping area.

Use alternatives to campfires during periods of high fire danger, even if there are no restrictions. Nine out of 10 fires are caused by humans. If you do use a campfire, make sure it is fully extinguished and cold to the touch before leaving the area. If you see smoke, fire, or suspicious activities, note the location as best you can and report it to authorities by calling 911. Don’t drive or park you car or ATV in tall, dry, vegetation, such as grass. The hot underside of the vehicle can start a fire. Source: www.fs.usda.gov/visit/know-before-you-go/fire



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