King's Business - 1916-03



needed to arouse greater missionary activ­ ity is not information or knowledge of facts about missions. These things do not make men missionaries, nor do they create zéál - in missionary work. These things are fuel, but fuel does not make fire; it only feeds it. The Holy Ghost in the heart makes missionary fire; these other things feed the fire. The Holy Ghost in the heart makes going sure, easy and permanent. III. Our Relation to the Call of the Holy Spirit with Reference to Missionary Activity. ' Seeing then that this is indeed the age o f the Spirit, and as such is characterized by missionary activity; seeing.further that the Holy Spirit calls and provides the men for missionary fields, we may ask you this solemn question: Has the Spirit said noth­ ing to your soul on the subject o f Mis­ sions? Has He created no concern in your heart with reference to the millions who are dying without Christ and without hope? Do you reply, “ No, not definitely. I have not had a specific call to Missions?” It may be pertinent to ask, What special call do you need or expect? Is not the command o f the Mastér, as found in His parting words in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” a command? What constitutes, do you think, a call to foreign missions? I f Christ should stand by your side, put His hand upon your shoulder, and say to you, “ I want you for China, or India, or Egypt, or Africa, you would be sure, would you not, that He had called you? Is not the Master’s last commission as true for the church today as it was for that band o f disciples when He gave them this parting commission? William Carey said that his call con­ sisted o f un open Bible before an open map o f the world. Henry Martin had the idea o f missions" first suggested to him by his pastor, who said, “ Henry, are not you the kind o f man who might give his life to the evangelization o f India?” David Livingstone said that he had no special

the vineyard. Are we sending out men and women whom the Spirit has not sent, or are We holding back those whom the Spirit has told to. go? Why are you going to the foreign field ? Are you self- appointed, or Spirit-appointed? The, mis­ sionary boards have to deal with quite a number o f “ returners” from missionary fields each year.—those who have gone by self-appointment instead o f by divine appointment. O f course we must recognize that the church has her part to play in sending out missionaries. W e are not unmindful of that fact. W e “are told in the Acts that while the church fasted and prayed, the Holy Spirit set apart missionaries. Christ commands the church to , “ Pray yé the Lord o f the harvest that He will thrust forth laborers into His, vineyard.” Liv­ ingstone on his knees in death agony, pray­ ing by Lake Bangweolo that God would send missionaries to heal the open sore of the world, is worth more to the cause of Missions than millions o f gold. What we jneed today is not so much a rich church as a praying church. W e would not under- estimaté the work o f the church, but would exalt the Spirit in this matter. Thus saith the Spirit: Whom I call and separate, ye shall ordaip. The question is asked o f candidates for the office o f deacon in thé Episcopal church: “ Do you trust that you are inwardly moved *by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this office?” . This same question is pertinent to every one who undertakes the office o f missionary. Here, then, is the true motive for all missionary activity—the call o f the Holy Spirit. The motive is not philanthropic; it is not the condition o f the people; it is not the call o f the volunteer band; it is not the example of others ; it is not because we are failures at _home; it is because the Spirit o f God so moves us. This being true we are brought face to face with the tremendous fact then that the great need o f foreign missions is a more definite experience and knowledge o f the Holy Spirit and His working. What is

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