King's Business - 1916-03



December Sth, 1831, and among other things that showed he missed his home and was thinking seriously, he said: “ I wish you would recommend to me, or send me, some good religious reading.” This was done, o f course, though the sisters frankly confessed that the request astonished them. “ Very soon after this,” she says, “he sud­ denly and unexpectedly walked in one even­ ing into the dining-room at the old manse, (at Kilsyth) with a graver look than was his wont;.and in answer to our mother’s exclamation, ‘Oh. Willie, where have you come from?’ his answer was, gravely, ‘From Edinburgh.’ ‘How did you come?’- ‘I walked’ (a distance o f thirty-six miles). There was then a silence, and standing on the hearth-rug, with his back to the fire, he said, ‘What would you think, mamma, if I should be a minister, after all?’ His countenance showed that he was speaking in earnest, and he then told openly how the Lord had arrested him, and that he had no rest in his spirit till he should come home and obtain his parents’ consent to relinquish the law and give himself to the service o f Jesus in the ministry of the gospel.” His parents Were, o f course, overjoyed to give their consent to what was a definite and direct answer to their prayers, and as, owing to the delay already mentioned, his papers o f indenture had not yet been signed, he was at perfect lib­ erty to withdraw from the law. (T o be continued). O -------------- Voluntary Support The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles is, iii the main, supported by voluntary con­ tributions, and can always use funds to the best advantage in the training o f men and women for evangelistic enterprises, both ' at home a^id abroad. The interest o f all friends is solicited in its support, with the assurance that all funds contributed will be economically disbursed. Those who feel so inclined, are urged to look into the annuity bond plan as a means o f perpetuat­ ing the great work o f the Institute.’

and all that was n ow . wanting, from the human point o f view, was to obtain the necessary certificates from his college pro­ fessors, in order that the proper inden­ tures might be prepared that would appren- •tice him to his uncle and launch him on his legal career. Some delay occurred in the receiving o f these papers, and during this delay something else occurred that made them altogether unnecessary. God had other plans for the young student whose father’s prayers must be heeded. WORK OF THE SP IR IT , About this time the Holy Spirit was working mightily in the family. A sister who had been enjoying society life in Edin­ burgh was completely changed and gave herself unreservedly to the Master. A deeper spirit was noticeable in the home when she returned. Reading aloud in the afternoon from some religious book became a family custom. William caused serious concern to the others by quietly withdrawing from these readings, and insisted that he was going to be a lawyer, because he “saw lawyers rich and with fine houses.” The loving sisters could not give him up and not only followed him to Edinburgh with their prayers, but with their loving letters as well. He seems to have felt the change in the spiritual atmo­ sphere into which he was thrown in Edin­ burgh, so different from that o f his home. To a letter from his sisters he replied, The Training School The winter term o f the Bible -Institute Training School is opening up most encouragingly. -When this is written (the second week o f the term) there are already 180 students registered, with a large num­ ber o f prospective students who have not been formally accepted. At every class, excepting those for the advanced students, there are always a number o f visitors, some o f them coming to class almost as regularly as if they were registered stu­ dents. A special course o f lectures on Evangelism is being given this term by Dr. Torrey, whose world-wide experience makes this class an especially valuable one.

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