King's Business - 1916-03

The Laymen’s



Its Genesis and Significance

Bishop Bashford, o f the Methodist Episco­ pal Church from Shanghai, China ; Hugh L. Burleson, who is the dean o f the edi­ torial department o f the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society o f the Protes­ tant Episcopal Church. Among the sub­ jects to be presented are: The Biggest Business in ,the W orld; America’s Enlarged Opportunity; Chris­ tianizing American L ife; China — An Empire and a Republic;^The American Republic, a World Influence-; Alaska, the Empire o f the North-West; Who Will Rule Africa Tomorrow? India’s Silent Revolution; Recent War Experiences in Turkey; The Church That Pays Dividends; The United States as a Missionary Oppor­ tunity; The Great Response to the World’s Appeal; The Test o f Discipleship; Enlist­ ing American Men for World Service; The Place o f Prayer in World Conquest. When this is being written the prospects fo r the convention are very encouraging. The - various denominations are taking hold o f the matter vigorously, and it is confidently expected that God will use the convention to arouse the church in South­ ern California to the magnitude o f the task and the benefits. o f being associated with her Lord and Master in it. GENESIS OF THE MOVEMENT J. Campbell White tells in the following interesting way o f the genesis and signifi-

CONVENTION o f The Lay- -men’s Missionary Move- ment will be held in Bible Instittite Auditorium, Los Angeles, from February 27 to March 1, inclusive, this issue

o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness being one month in advance o f the meeting. Our magnifi­ cent auditorium has a seating capacity of 4000, with extensive accommodations offered by smaller auditoriums and com­ mittee rooms. This is one in the string o f seventy-five conventions being held in cities throughout the United States, to conclude with a National Missionary con­ gress in Washington, D. C., April 26 to 30, inclusive. Among the speakers at the Los Angeles convention will be the following men of national and international reputation: Rev, Herbert S. Johnson, pastor o f the Warren Avenue Baptist Church, Boston; Rev. J. O. Randall, o f the Methodist Episcopal Board o f Home Missions;' Rev. James P. McNaughton, o f the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, recently returned from Turkey; Rev. J. E. Crowther, o f the Methodist Episcopal Church, recently from A frica; Rev. S. Hall Young, the well-known Presbyterian mis­ sionary from Alaska; Rev. A. R. Kepler, o f the Presbyterian Board, who went through the recent revolution in China;

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