King's Business - 1916-03



Visitors from Africa

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Raynor and their two children, Paul and Ruth, after seven years’ work in British East Africa in con­ nection with the Africa Inland Mission, are enjoying a furlough in the home land. They are at present in Los Angeles, but hope soon to sail by way o f the Pacific for their field. Mr. Raynor recently gave a most interesting stereopticon lecture in the Bible Institute Auditorium, on his work. Pictures o f thè natives, their vil­ lages, markets and customs were shown. The work o f the Africa Inland- Mission was also illustrated with pictures o f the

mission, stations, schools and missionaries. At the close o f the lecture a large number o f those present signified their desire to be enrolled as members o f the Africa Inland Mission Prayer Band, and seven young men and women pledged their lives for service in A frica—the Lord permitting. The Mission has now 116 missionaries on the field. One o f our Bible Institute stu­ dents has just arrived at Mombasa and three others are on their way, having to go via the Pacific on ’account o f war condi­ tions in the Mediterranean.


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