We Believe Case Statement

We Believe This Generation Can Reach The Next For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16a An Unchanging Message that Changes Lives! The Word of Life story began in the heart of Jack Wyrtzen, a young evangelist in New York City. As he shared his faith on street corners, the ministry began to grow. A small radio broadcast followed and rapidly expanded to rallies, camps and conferences, Bible Institutes, international missions, and student ministries in local churches.

This story has continued in countless young lives who have been touched and changed in more than 80 countries around the world.

Today, through the worldwide ministries, we continue to focus on four things...

Scripture We are committed to the Scriptures as the source and foundation for ministry. Evangelism We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and challenging people to respond.

Discipleship We are committed to the intentional process of teaching and influencing others to become more like Jesus Christ. Youth We are committed to reaching youth whose culture constantly changes with biblical truth that never changes.


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