FYZICALPBC: How Physical Therapy Can Help Ankle & Foot Pain

Healthy Living Newsletter by FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers





INSIDE OUR NEWSLETTER: • How To Treat A Sprain Or Strain With Physical Therapy • Healthy Recipe

• Patient Success Spotlight • 6 Nutrition Tips for A Healthy Summer





Have you recently injured your ankle or foot? Do you have persistent pain since spraining your ankle? Knowing the difference between a mild problem that goes away on its own and one that lingers on indefinitely is the job of a physical therapist. At FYZICAL, we are committed to helping you get the results you need to resume your life without limits! While many factors can lead to foot and ankle pain, sprains/strains are common examples. Even if your pain subsides, dysfunction may still be present and lead to re- injury or chronic pain. If you have noticed limited mobility, persistent pain, or balance and gait problems since your injury, FYZICAL can help. We will determine the type of injury (i.e., a sprain or strain) and provide you with the necessary treatments for healing and tips to avoid re-injury. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled physical therapists! What is the difference between a sprain and strain? A sprain happens when a ligament (the tissue that connects one bone) is stretched or torn. Sprains are typically the result of a trauma, a deceleration (slowing down) movement, or a sudden change in direction. The most common symptoms include pain, inflammation, muscle spasm, and sometimes an inability to move the joints where the injury occurred. Strains occur to a muscle or tendon (the tissue that connects muscle to bone). Strains usually happen when the muscle suddenly contracts, like running, jumping, or repetitive and awkward movements. The symptoms of strains are similar to those associated with sprains,

making them difficult to tell apart without doing a physical therapy examination. There are three grades of sprains/strains that outline the severity of the injury. Grade 1: • Mild pain (Rarely Moderate or severe pain) • No bruising • Minimal swelling (sometimes no swelling) • Tenderness to the touch at the site of the injury Grade 2: • Mild to moderate pain (rarely severe pain) • Some bruising • Mild to moderate swelling around the injury

• Tenderness to touch on-site and around the injury • Often painful to put weight on your injured limb Grade 3: • Moderate to severe pain • Significant bruising • Moderate to severe swelling throughout the limb

• Tenderness to touch at the site and surrounding area of the injury • Often severe pain or inability to put weight through the injured area

Ligaments are torn (ruptured), and the joint will be loose/unstable from tearing, so it may require surgical intervention or the use of bracing to facilitate healing. If you are unsure whether you sustained a sprain or strain, our physical therapists can help you figure it out.

Our mission is to prevent needless suffering & to do all in our power to help people flourish.



Our physical therapists will perform a thorough assessment that includes a detailed history and a hands-on evaluation of the injured area at your initial evaluation. This assessment will help the therapist classify the injury’s severity and develop a treatment plan to address your current situation. Foot and ankle pain treatment depends on where the injury happened and how long ago it occurred. If it is not possible to walk more than two or three steps without pain, it is essential to visit a physical therapist as soon as possible. If the joint looks out of place or has an obvious deformity to the bone, it is crucial to go to the emergency room for an x-ray because a fracture is likely. The initial stages of physical therapy will focus on restoring any lost motion, reducing the swelling, and using all available treatments to alleviate any pain you may experience. Within a few hours of compression and elevation, most people notice that the swelling begins to subside, and with it, their pain. Next, we will design a program to restore your proprioception, balance, and strength so you can take on everyday activities. For optimal results, it is best to consult with a physical therapist to see the best methods for healing and avoiding re-injury of the affected area. Our comprehensive program will also look for any changes in your gait pattern that may make it difficult for you to move around freely. Dysfunctional movement patterns can last for years and lead to re-injury and potentially other injuries. Our physical therapists will show you therapeutic exercises to address any underlying issue, such as a weakness that may be contributing to altered movement patterns, balance issues, and overall susceptibility to more injuries.

People who sprain or strain their feet or ankles often find that they are continuously re-injuring that part of their body. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case with the help of physical therapy. Call today to set up an appointment. Whether you sustained a sprain or strain, physical therapy is the answer to achieving long- term relief. Contact FYZICAL today to schedule a consultation or to find out more about how physical therapy can help relieve your foot and ankle pains! Sources: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jat/article/50/6/643/112427/A-Refined-Prediction- Model-for-Core-and-Lower https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijatt/17/6/article-p4.xml https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003999318314011 https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/15/956.abstract https://meridian.allenpress.com/jat/article/54/6/611/420866/Risk-Factors-for-Lateral-Ankle- Sprains-and-Chronic



INGREDIENTS • 1 (32-oz) can whole tomatoes, drained • 1 cup fresh basil leaves • 4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 6 cloves garlic, peeled

• Kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper • 2 large French baquettes, sliced 1-inch thick (about 36 slices) • 1 1/2 lbs fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced 1/4-inch thick

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In the bowl of a food processor, add drained tomatoes, 1 cup basil leaves, olive oil and 2 cloves garlic. Pulse until smooth, but somewhat chunky. Season with salt and pepper. On a baking sheet, line up baguette slices. Toast in oven for about 3 minutes. Working quickly, rub the remaining garlic on the toasted side of each slice and then lay a piece of mozzarella cheese on top. Place bread back in oven for about 45 seconds. Remove from oven and spread one tablespoon of the tomato mixture on each piece. Place bruschetta on decorative platter and garnish with basil leaves. Recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/tomato-mozzarella-and-basil-bruschetta- recipe-1940921

www.fyzicalpbc.com | (561) 331-5508

Patient Success Spotlight


“They work together like a true team!” “I went to FYZICAL therapy for tendonitis on both my ankles. Right ankle was worse. Chrystal had been helping me. I felt better after my first visit. I really like their helpfulness, willing to listen and attention to detail. They work together like a true team. The receptionist is very warm and attentive. They also maintain a strict schedule so even if I go on my lunch break, I can be sure to be back in time.” - Geeta G. TELL US HOW WE DID! Help us help more people in our communities by leaving us a Google review! 1. Visit us at www.fyzicalpbc.com 2. Choose a location at the “Locations” tab (this is where you will find a map linked to our Google Reviews) 3. Tell us how we did!

Are you aware of the true importance of nutrition? Your diet affects many aspects of your well-being including your immune system, bone health, muscle function, inflammation, and pain. Conditions including heart disease and diabetes are also impacted by dietary intake in both development as well as management. If you need some help maintaining a healthy diet this season, take a look at these 6 nutrition tips: 1. Swap out snacks for fruits and vegetables. Every day, it is recommended that you consume at least 5 portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables. If this sounds challenging, remember that fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or even juiced fruits and veggies are all options. 2. Replace steak with fish. Fish is a great source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. You should try to incorporate at least 2 servings of fish in your diet every week. 3. Lessen your saturated fat intake. Did you know that too much saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol levels, increasing your risk of developing heart disease? Examples of food rich in saturated fat include:


• fatty cuts of meat • sausages • butter

• hard cheeses • cream • cakes • biscuits

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4. Cut down on sugary drinks. With the hot weather, it can be almost instinctive to reach for a cold soda out of the cooler. However, drinks high in sugar content can contribute to obesity and tooth decay. Try opting for a cool refreshing glass of water instead, or a tasty fruit smoothie! 5. Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Proper hydration is always important, but it becomes even more so during those hot summer months. It’s recommended that you drink around 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. 6. Don’t forget breakfast. A healthy breakfast should be a part of your daily routine. Eating breakfast sets the tone for your day and gives you the energy you need to make it to lunch! We hope these tips will help you navigate this season and prioritize your health this summer!

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