Supporting Your Curriculum - 2023/24 SI offer.

SPRING TERM Writing competition on the theme of ‘ Responsibility ‘. We know that we all have a responsibility to take care of our things, ourselves and our environment. Now imagine that you have been asked to choose your most cherished possession and pass this onto someone else for them to take over the responsibility of caring for it. What would you choose to pass on? Who would you pass it to? What would you tell them about it and what do they need to do to care for it? SUMMER TERM History competition on the theme of ‘ Proud to Be a Brummie ‘. Are you fascinated by the rich history of our local community? Do you love to explore the stories of the people and events that shaped our town's past? Then you won't want to miss the upcoming local study history competition. Join us for a chance to showcase your knowledge of our community's history and compete against other history enthusiasts. Your pupils can enter this competition at any time throughout the year. The winners will be chosen at the end of the year.

All entries can be emailed to


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