
Johnson gave a 30-minute presentation on her acting struggle against the hated disease ad how she never gives up. “Doctors told her she could never run again,” said Gagnon. “But she managed to run two five-kilometer runs.” Admission for the event was free, but par- ticipants were asked to give donations of any kind. “They could either donatemoney, food items or even clothing,” explained Zach. “So we ended up with two bags of clothing, one bag of food and $140.” Themoney collected will be split and do- nated to two local agencies, Sexual Assault Support Services of Ontario and the Baldwin House. The food and clothing will be given over to the Agape Centre. In addition, a 50/50 drawwas held. “Half of themoney collected was given to the speaker and will go towards her chemotherapy treat- ments,” said Gagnon. In an odd twist of faith, Johnston’s aunt won the draw and gave her winnings to her niece. Gagnon already thinking ahead But although the event has passed, the tea lover is not stopping there. “I’m already planning my next event,” Gagnon said, with a smile forming on her lips. “For the next edition, I’mhoping to cater it to men.” Gagnon explained that she had heard from several sources that protective services that were once offered to men had all but dis- appeared in Cornwall. “There’s nothing for

Miss Liz Tea Party founder Elizabeth Gagnon stands proudly next to Carol Johnston, guest speaker for the first edition of her event. Johnston spoke about her ongoing battle with cancer and received the Teabag story award.

L’accès aux capsules de vie amélioré them, it’s very sad,” she said. “I’m hoping to get aman as a speaker for my second event.” She stresses that the speaker must remain positive and hopefully share his story. “I am looking for a man in the community who is willing to share his story of strength and inspiration,” she explained on her event’s Facebook page. “(I’m hoping for) a story of struggle and challenges that can still give a positive outlook on life.” Having organised her first event from 11 am to 2 pm, Gagnon hopes that her Men’s tea party, taking place in March, will debut at a later time. “We’re hoping to do more of an evening,” she expressed. “We knowmost menwork hard during the day and would love

to relax with a nice hot cup of tea.” She also already has ideas for future edi- tions of the event. “I’m hoping to have one that talks about mental health and other topics that affect a lot of residents of this city.” Gagnon’s event proves one thing: that tea and positivity go hand in hand.

When your lungs are killing you, that’s cystic fibrosis. BREATHE THROUGH A STRAW FOR 60 SECONDS.

Les francophones de 50 ans et plus des régions de Prescott et Russell ainsi que de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry, y compris la ville de Cornwall, peuvent désormais se procurer des capsules de vie chez certains partenaires du programme Sécurité Info Santé (S.I.S.) de la Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario (FARFO). En tout, près de 2000 trousses seront dis- ponibles à différents endroits dans la com- munauté. « Pas une semaine ne passe sans

que l’onme demande où on peut se procurer une capsule de vie », a indiqué Andréanne Gougeon, coordonnatrice des bénévoles du programme S.I.S. Les bureaux de santé d’Alexandria, de Casselman, de Rockland, de Hawkesbury, de Cornwall ainsi que deWinchester font partie de ceux qui aideront la FARFO à distribuer les capsules de vie. Les gens pourront aussi se rendre dans les cinq centres de santé communautaire de l’Es- trie de la région, soit d’Embrun, de Bourget,

d’Alexandria, de Cornwall et de Crysler, ainsi qu’aux Services communautaires de Prescott-Russell, situé sur la rue Principale à Hawkesbury, et aux Services d’urgence, sur le chemin de comté 9, à Plantagenet. « Nous sommes très heureux de pouvoir satisfaire davantage la demande et les besoins par l’ajout d’un nombre important de capsu- les de vie sur l’ensemble du territoire desservi par le programme S.I.S. », a affirmémadame Élizabeth Allard, présidente de la FARFO. « Les présentations effectuées par la

coordonnatrice des bénévoles comblent cer- tains besoins, mais nous souhaitions pouvoir distribuer un plus grand nombre de trousses par l’entremise de nos partenaires », a ajouté monsieur Raymond Legault, président de la FARFO Régionale de l’Est et membre du comité consultatif. Une vidéo présentant les consignes géné- rales pour remplir le formulaire de la « fiole de vie » est aussi disponible en ligne au www.

To learn more and support cystic fibrosis research, visit


When your lungs are killing you, that’s cystic fibrosis. cystic fibrosis re earch, visit To learn more and support

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

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