Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

Important Information About Your Medical Plan Details of your medical benefits are described on the following pages. Opportunity to Select a Primary Care Physician Choice of Primary Care Physician: This medical plan does not require that you select a Primary Care Physician or obtain a referral from a Primary Care Physician in order to receive all benefits available to you under this medical plan. Notwithstanding, a Primary Care Physician may serve an important role in meeting your health care needs by providing or arranging for medical care for you and your Dependents. For this reason, we encourage the use of Primary Care Physicians and provide you with the opportunity to select a Primary Care Physician from a list provided by Cigna for yourself and your Dependents. If you choose to select a Primary Care Physician, the Primary Care Physician you select for yourself may be different from the Primary Care Physician you select for each of your Dependents. Changing Primary Care Physicians: You may request a transfer from one Primary Care Physician to another by contacting us at the member services number on your ID card. Any such transfer will be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the processing of the change request is completed. In addition, if at any time a Primary Care Physician ceases to be a Participating Provider, you or your Dependent will be notified for the purpose of selecting a new Primary Care Physician.




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