Open Access Plus Medical Benefits The Schedule
For You and Your Dependents Open Access Plus Medical Benefits provide coverage for care In-Network and Out-of-Network. To receive Open Access Plus Medical Benefits, you and your Dependents may be required to pay a portion of the Covered Expenses for services and supplies. That portion is the Deductible or Coinsurance. When you receive services from an In-Network Provider, remind your provider to utilize In-Network Providers for x-rays, lab tests and other services to ensure the cost may be considered at the In-Network level. If you are unable to locate an In-Network Provider in your area who can provide you with a service or supply that is covered under this plan, you must call the number on the back of your I.D. card to obtain authorization for Out-of- Network Provider coverage. If you obtain authorization for services provided by an Out-of-Network Provider, benefits for those services will be covered at the In-Network benefit level. . Coinsurance The term Coinsurance means the percentage of Covered Expenses that an insured person is required to pay under the plan in addition to the Deductible, if any. Deductibles Deductibles are Covered Expenses to be paid by you or your Dependent before benefits are payable under this plan. Deductibles are in addition to any Coinsurance. Once the Deductible maximum in The Schedule has been reached, you and your family need not satisfy any further medical deductible for the rest of that year. Out-of-Pocket Expenses - For In-Network Charges Only Out-of-Pocket Expenses are Covered Expenses incurred for charges that are not paid by the benefit plan because of any Deductibles or Coinsurance. Such Covered Expenses accumulate to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum shown in The Schedule. When the Out-of-Pocket Maximum is reached, all Covered Expenses, except charges for non-compliance penalties, are payable by the benefit plan at 100%. Out-of-Pocket Expenses - For Out-of-Network Charges Only Out-of-Pocket Expenses are Covered Expenses incurred for charges that are not paid by the benefit plan. The following Expenses contribute to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, and when the Out-of-Pocket Maximum shown in The Schedule is reached, they are payable by the benefit plan at 100%: Coinsurance. Plan Deductible. Once the Out-of-Pocket Maximum is reached for covered services that apply to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, any benefit deductibles are no longer required. The following Out-of-Pocket Expenses and charges do not contribute to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, and they are not payable by the benefit plan at 100% when the Out-of-Pocket Maximum shown in The Schedule is reached:
Non-compliance penalties. Any benefit deductibles not listed above as accumulating to the Out-of-Pocket maximum. Provider charges in excess of the Maximum Reimbursable Charge. .
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