Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description




Abortion Includes only non-elective procedures Physician’s Office Visit

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Inpatient Facility

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Outpatient Facility

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Physician’s Services

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Women’s Family Planning Services Office Visits, Lab and Radiology Tests and Counseling Note: Includes coverage for contraceptive devices (e.g., Depo-Provera and Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)) as ordered or prescribed by a physician. Diaphragms also are covered when services are provided in the physician’s office. Surgical Sterilization Procedures for Tubal Ligation (excludes reversals)

No charge

50% after plan deductible

Physician’s Office Visit

No charge

50% after plan deductible

Inpatient Facility

No charge

50% after plan deductible

Outpatient Facility

No charge

50% after plan deductible

Physician’s Services

No charge

50% after plan deductible

Men’s Family Planning Services Office Visits, Lab and Radiology Tests and Counseling Surgical Sterilization Procedures for Vasectomy (excludes reversals) Physician’s Office Visit

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Inpatient Facility

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Outpatient Facility

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible

Physician’s Services

80% after plan deductible

50% after plan deductible


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