treatment of conditions such as: anxiety or depression which interfere with daily functioning; emotional adjustment or concerns related to chronic conditions, such as psychosis or depression; emotional reactions associated with marital problems or divorce; child/adolescent problems of conduct or poor impulse control; affective disorders; suicidal or homicidal threats or acts; eating disorders; or acute exacerbation of chronic Mental Health conditions (crisis intervention and relapse prevention) and outpatient testing and assessment. Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Services are rendered not less than 4 hours and not more than 12 hours in any 24- hour period by a certified/licensed Mental Health program in accordance with the laws of the appropriate legally authorized agency. A Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program consists of distinct levels or phases of treatment that are provided by a certified/licensed Mental Health program in accordance with the laws of the appropriate, legally authorized agency. Intensive Outpatient Therapy Programs provide a combination of individual, family and/or group therapy in a day, totaling nine or more hours in a week. Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Rehabilitation Services Services provided for rehabilitation, while you or your Dependent is Confined in a Hospital, when required for the diagnosis and treatment of abuse or addiction to alcohol and/or drugs. Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Services include Residential Treatment services. Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Services are services provided by a Hospital for the evaluation and treatment of the psychological and social functional disturbances that are a result of subacute Substance Use Disorder conditions. Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Center means an institution which specializes in the treatment of psychological and social disturbances that are the result of Substance Use Disorder; provides a subacute, structured, psychotherapeutic treatment program, under the supervision of Physicians; provides 24-hour care, in which a person lives in an open setting; and is licensed in accordance with the laws of the appropriate legally authorized agency as a residential treatment center. A person is considered confined in a Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Center when she/he is a registered bed patient in a Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Center upon the recommendation of a Physician. Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Rehabilitation Services Services provided for the diagnosis and treatment of Substance Use Disorder or addiction to alcohol and/or drugs, while you or your Dependent is not Confined in a Hospital, including outpatient rehabilitation in an individual, or a
Substance Use Disorder Partial Hospitalization or Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program. Substance Use Disorder Partial Hospitalization Services are rendered no less than 4 hours and not more than 12 hours in any 24-hour period by a certified/licensed Substance Use Disorder program in accordance with the laws of the appropriate legally authorized agency. A Substance Use Disorder Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program consists of distinct levels or phases of treatment that are provided by a certified/licensed Substance Use Disorder program in accordance with the laws of the appropriate legally authorized agency. Intensive Outpatient Therapy Programs provide a combination of individual, family and/or group therapy in a day, totaling nine, or more hours in a week. Substance Use Disorder Detoxification Services Detoxification and related medical ancillary services are provided when required for the diagnosis and treatment of addiction to alcohol and/or drugs. Cigna will decide, based on the Medical Necessity of each situation, whether such services will be provided in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Exclusions The following are specifically excluded from Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services: treatment of disorders which have been diagnosed as organic mental disorders associated with permanent dysfunction of the brain. developmental disorders, including but not limited to, developmental reading disorders, developmental arithmetic disorders, developmental language disorders or developmental articulation disorders. counseling for activities of an educational nature. counseling for borderline intellectual functioning. counseling for occupational problems. counseling related to consciousness raising. vocational or religious counseling. I.Q. testing. custodial care, including but not limited to geriatric day care. psychological testing on children requested by or for a school system. occupational/recreational therapy programs even if combined with supportive therapy for age-related cognitive decline.
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