Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

 Other Equipment: heat lamps, heating pads, cryounits, cryotherapy machines, electronic-controlled therapy units, ultraviolet cabinets, sheepskin pads and boots, postural drainage board, AC/DC adaptors, enuresis alarms, magnetic equipment, scales (baby and adult), stair gliders, elevators, saunas, any exercise equipment and diathermy machines.

Durable Medical Equipment  charges made for purchase or rental of Durable Medical Equipment that is ordered or prescribed by a Physician and provided by a vendor approved by Cigna for use outside a Hospital or Other Health Care Facility. Coverage for repair, replacement or duplicate equipment is provided only when required due to anatomical change and/or reasonable wear and tear. All maintenance and repairs that result from a person’s misuse are the person’s responsibility. Coverage for Durable Medical Equipment is limited to the lowest-cost alternative as determined by the utilization review Physician. Durable Medical Equipment is defined as items which are designed for and able to withstand repeated use by more than one person; customarily serve a medical purpose; generally are not useful in the absence of Injury or Sickness; are appropriate for use in the home; and are not disposable. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, crutches, hospital beds, respirators, wheel chairs, and dialysis machines. Durable Medical Equipment items that are not covered include but are not limited to those that are listed below:  Bed Related Items: bed trays, over the bed tables, bed wedges, pillows, custom bedroom equipment, mattresses, including nonpower mattresses, custom mattresses and posturepedic mattresses.  Bath Related Items: bath lifts, nonportable whirlpools, bathtub rails, toilet rails, raised toilet seats, bath benches, bath stools, hand held showers, paraffin baths, bath mats, and spas.  Chairs, Lifts and Standing Devices: computerized or gyroscopic mobility systems, roll about chairs, geriatric chairs, hip chairs, seat lifts (mechanical or motorized), patient lifts (mechanical or motorized – manual hydraulic lifts are covered if patient is two-person transfer), and auto tilt chairs.  Fixtures to Real Property: ceiling lifts and wheelchair ramps.  Car/Van Modifications.  Air Quality Items: room humidifiers, vaporizers, air purifiers and electrostatic machines.  Blood/Injection Related Items: blood pressure cuffs, centrifuges, nova pens and needleless injectors.




External Prosthetic Appliances and Devices  charges made or ordered by a Physician for: the initial purchase and fitting of external prosthetic appliances and devices available only by prescription which are necessary for the alleviation or correction of Injury, Sickness or congenital defect. External prosthetic appliances and devices include prostheses/prosthetic appliances and devices; orthoses and orthotic devices; braces; and splints. Prostheses/Prosthetic Appliances and Devices Prostheses/prosthetic appliances and devices are defined as fabricated replacements for missing body parts. Prostheses/prosthetic appliances and devices include, but are not limited to:  limb prostheses;  terminal devices such as hands or hooks;  speech prostheses; and  facial prostheses. Orthoses and Orthotic Devices Orthoses and orthotic devices are defined as orthopedic appliances or apparatuses used to support, align, prevent or correct deformities. Coverage is provided for custom foot orthoses and other orthoses as follows:  Non-foot orthoses – only the following non-foot orthoses are covered:  rigid and semi-rigid custom fabricated orthoses;  semi-rigid prefabricated and flexible orthoses; and  rigid prefabricated orthoses including preparation, fitting and basic additions, such as bars and joints.  Custom foot orthoses – custom foot orthoses are only covered as follows:  for persons with impaired peripheral sensation and/or altered peripheral circulation (e.g. diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease);  when the foot orthosis is an integral part of a leg brace and is necessary for the proper functioning of the brace;


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