Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

testing undertaken prior to procurement is covered if Medically Necessary. Costs related to the search for, and identification of a bone marrow or stem cell donor for an allogeneic transplant are also covered. Transplant Travel Services Charges made for non-taxable travel expenses incurred by you in connection with a pre-approved organ/tissue transplant are covered subject to the following conditions and limitations. Transplant travel benefits are not available for cornea transplants. Benefits for transportation and lodging are available to you only if you are the recipient of a preapproved organ/tissue transplant from a designated Cigna LIFESOURCE Transplant Network ® facility. The term recipient is defined to include a person receiving authorized transplant related services during any of the following: evaluation, candidacy, transplant event, or post-transplant care. Travel expenses for the person receiving the transplant will include charges for: transportation to and from the transplant site (including charges for a rental car used during a period of care at the transplant facility); and lodging while at, or traveling to and from the transplant site. In addition to your coverage for the charges associated with the items above, such charges will also be considered covered travel expenses for one companion to accompany you. The term companion includes your spouse, a member of your family, your legal guardian, or any person not related to you, but actively involved as your caregiver who is at least 18 years of age. The following are specifically excluded travel expenses: any expenses that if reimbursed would be taxable income, travel costs incurred due to travel within 60 miles of your home; food and meals; laundry bills; telephone bills; alcohol or tobacco products; and charges for transportation that exceed coach class rates. These benefits are only available when the covered person is the recipient of an organ/tissue transplant. Travel expenses for the designated live donor for a covered recipient are covered subject to the same conditions and limitations noted above. Charges for the expenses of a donor companion are not covered. No benefits are available when the covered person is a donor.

Reconstructive Surgery  charges made for reconstructive surgery or therapy to repair or correct a severe physical deformity or disfigurement which is accompanied by functional deficit; (other than abnormalities of the jaw or conditions related to TMJ disorder) provided that: the surgery or therapy restores or improves function; reconstruction is required as a result of Medically Necessary, non-cosmetic surgery; or the surgery or therapy is performed prior to age 19 and is required as a result of the congenital absence or agenesis (lack of formation or development) of a body part. Repeat or subsequent surgeries for the same condition are covered only when there is the probability of significant additional improvement as determined by the utilization review Physician.



Transplant Services  charges made for human organ and tissue Transplant services which include solid organ and bone marrow/stem cell procedures at designated facilities throughout the United States or its territories. This coverage is subject to the following conditions and limitations. Transplant services include the recipient’s medical, surgical and Hospital services; inpatient immunosuppressive medications; and costs for organ or bone marrow/stem cell procurement. Transplant services are covered only if they are required to perform any of the following human to human organ or tissue transplants: allogeneic bone marrow/stem cell, autologous bone marrow/stem cell, cornea, heart, heart/lung, kidney, kidney/pancreas, liver, lung, pancreas or intestine which includes small bowel-liver or multi-visceral. All Transplant services, other than cornea, are covered at 100% when received at Cigna LIFESOURCE Transplant Network® facilities. Cornea transplants are not covered at Cigna LIFESOURCE Transplant Network® facilities. Transplant services, including cornea, received at participating facilities specifically contracted with Cigna for those Transplant services, other than Cigna LIFESOURCE Transplant Network® facilities, are payable at the In-Network level. Transplant services received at any other facilities, including Non-Participating Providers and Participating Providers not specifically contracted with Cigna for Transplant services, are not covered. Coverage for organ procurement costs are limited to costs directly related to the procurement of an organ, from a cadaver or a live donor. Organ procurement costs shall consist of surgery necessary for organ removal, organ transportation and the transportation (refer to Transplant Travel Services), hospitalization and surgery of a live donor. Compatibility



Medical Pharmaceuticals The plan covers charges made for Medical Pharmaceuticals that are administered in an Inpatient setting, Outpatient setting, Physician’s office, or in a covered person's home. Benefits under this section are provided only for Medical Pharmaceuticals which, due to their characteristics (as determined by Cigna), are required to be administered, or the


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