assessments on the cost effectiveness of the Prescription Drug Product and available rebates. When considering a Prescription Drug Product for tier placement on the Prescription Drug List or other coverage conditions, the Business Decision Team reviews clinical and economic factors regarding enrollees as a general population across its book-of-business. Regardless of its eligibility for coverage under the plan, whether a particular Prescription Drug Product is appropriate for you or any of your Dependents is a determination that is made by you or your Dependent and the prescribing Physician. The coverage status of a Prescription Drug Product may change periodically for various reasons. For example, a Prescription Drug Product may be removed from the market, a New Prescription Drug Product in the same therapeutic class as a Prescription Drug Product may become available, or other market events may occur. Market events that may affect the coverage status of a Prescription Drug Product include, but are not limited to, an increase in the acquisition cost of a Prescription Drug Product. As a result of coverage changes, for the purposes of benefits the plan may require you to pay more or less for that Prescription Drug Product, to obtain the Prescription Drug Product from a certain Pharmacy(ies) for coverage, or try another covered Prescription Drug Product(s). Please access the internet through the website shown on your ID card or call member services at the telephone number on your ID card for the most up-to-date tier status, utilization management, or other coverage limitations for a Prescription Drug Product.
Prescription Drug Benefits
Covered Expenses Your plan provides benefits for Prescription Drug Products dispensed by a Pharmacy. Details regarding your plan’s Covered Expenses, which for the purposes of the Prescription Drug Benefit include Medically Necessary Prescription Drug Products ordered by a Physician, Limitations, and Exclusions are provided below and/or are shown in The Schedule . If you or any one of your Dependents, while insured for Prescription Drug Benefits, incurs expenses for charges made by a Pharmacy for Medically Necessary Prescription Drug Products ordered by a Physician, your plan provides coverage for those expenses as shown in The Schedule. Your benefits may vary depending on which of the Prescription Drug List tiers the Prescription Drug Product is listed, or the Pharmacy that provides the Prescription Drug Product. Coverage under your plan’s Prescription Drug Benefits also includes Medically Necessary Prescription Drug Products dispensed pursuant to a Prescription Order or Refill issued to you or your Dependents by a licensed dentist for the prevention of infection or pain in conjunction with a dental procedure. When you or a Dependent are issued a Prescription Order or Refill for Medically Necessary Prescription Drug Products as part of the rendering of Emergency Services and Cigna determines that it cannot reasonably be filled by a Network Pharmacy, the prescription will be covered pursuant to the, as applicable, Copayment or Coinsurance for the Prescription Drug Product when dispensed by a Network Pharmacy. Prescription Drug List Management The Prescription Drug List (or formulary) offered under your Employer’s plan is managed by the Cigna Business Decision Team. Your plan’s Prescription Drug List coverage tiers may contain Prescription Drug Products that are Generic Drugs, Brand Drugs or Specialty Prescription Drug Products. The Business Decision Team makes the final assignment of a Prescription Drug Product to a certain coverage tier on the Prescription Drug List and decides whether utilization management requirements or other coverage conditions should apply to a Prescription Drug Product by considering a number of factors including, but not limited to, clinical and economic factors. Clinical factors may include, but are not limited to, the P&T Committee’s evaluations of the place in therapy, relative safety or relative efficacy of the Prescription Drug Product, as well as whether certain supply limits or other utilization management requirements should apply. Economic factors may include, but are not limited to, the Prescription Drug Product's acquisition cost including, but not limited to,
Limitations In the event you or your Dependent insist on a more expensive Brand Drug where a Generic Drug is available, you will be financially responsible for the amount by which the cost of the Brand Drug exceeds the cost of the Generic Drug, plus any required Generic Drug Copayment and/or Coinsurance. In this case, the amount by which the cost of the Brand Drug exceeds the cost of the Generic Drug will not apply to your Deductible, if any, or Out-of-Pocket Maximum. However, in the event your Physician determines that the Generic Drug is not an acceptable alternative for you (and indicates Dispensed as Written on the Prescription Order or Refill), you will only be responsible for payment of the appropriate Brand Drug Coinsurance and/or Copayment after satisfying your Deductible, if any.
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