Prior Authorization Requirements Coverage for certain Prescription Drug Products prescribed to you requires your Physician to obtain prior authorization from Cigna or its Review Organization. The reason for obtaining prior authorization from Cigna is to determine whether the Prescription Drug Product is Medically Necessary in accordance with Cigna's coverage criteria. Coverage criteria for a Prescription Drug Product may vary based on the clinical use for which the Prescription Order or Refill is submitted, and may change periodically based on changes in, without limitation, clinical guidelines or practice standards, or market factors. If Cigna or its Review Organization reviews the documentation provided and determines that the Prescription Drug Product is not Medically Necessary or otherwise excluded, your plan will not cover the Prescription Drug Product. Cigna, or its Review Organization, will not review claims for excluded Prescription Drug Products or other services to determine if they are Medically Necessary, unless required by law. When Prescription Drug Products that require prior authorization are dispensed at a Pharmacy, you or your prescribing Physician are responsible for obtaining prior authorization from Cigna. If you do not obtain prior authorization from us before the Prescription Drug Product is dispensed by the Pharmacy, you can ask us to consider reimbursement after you pay for and receive the Prescription Drug Product. You will need to pay for the Prescription Drug Product at the Pharmacy prior to submitting a reimbursement request. When you submit a claim on this basis, you will need to submit a paper claim using the form that appears on the website shown on your ID card. If a prior authorization request is approved, your Physician will receive confirmation. The authorization will be processed in the claim system to allow you to have coverage for the Prescription Drug Product. The length of the authorization may depend on the diagnosis and the Prescription Drug Product. The authorization will at all times be subject to the plan’s terms of coverage for the Prescription Drug Product, which may change from time to time. When your Physician advises you that coverage for the Prescription Drug Product has been approved, you can contact a Pharmacy to fill the covered Prescription Order or Refill. If the prior authorization request is denied, your Physician and you will be notified that coverage for the Prescription Drug Product is not authorized. If you disagree with a coverage decision, you may appeal that decision in accordance with the provisions of the plan by submitting a written request stating why the Prescription Drug Product should be covered.
Step Therapy Certain Prescription Drug Products are subject to step therapy requirements. This means that in order to receive Benefits for such Prescription Drug Products you are required to try a different Prescription Drug Product(s) first unless you satisfy the plan's exception criteria. You may identify whether a particular Prescription Drug Product is subject to step therapy requirements at the website shown on your ID card or by calling member services at the telephone number on your ID card. Supply Limits Benefits for Prescription Drug Products are subject to the supply limits that are stated in The Schedule. For a single Prescription Order or Refill, you may receive a Prescription Drug Product up to the stated supply limit. Some products are subject to additional supply limits, quantity limits or dosage limits based on coverage criteria that have been approved based on consideration of the P&T Committee’s clinical findings. Coverage criteria are subject to periodic review and modification. The limit may restrict the amount dispensed per Prescription Order or Refill and/or the amount dispensed per month's supply, or may require that a minimum amount be dispensed. You may determine whether a Prescription Drug Product has been assigned a dispensing supply limit or similar limit or requirement at the website shown on your ID card or by calling member services at the telephone number on your ID card. Specialty Prescription Drug Products Benefits are provided for Specialty Prescription Drug Products. If you require Specialty Prescription Drug Products, you may be directed to a Designated Pharmacy with whom Cigna has an arrangement to provide those Specialty Prescription Drug Products. Designated Pharmacies If you require certain Prescription Drug Products, including, but not limited to, Specialty Prescription Drug Products, we may direct you to a Designated Pharmacy with whom we have an arrangement to provide those Prescription Drug Products. If you are directed to a Designated Pharmacy and you choose not to obtain your Prescription Drug Product from a Designated Pharmacy, you may not receive coverage for the Prescription Drug Product or be subject to the non-Network Pharmacy Benefit, if any, for that Prescription Drug Product. Refer to
The Schedule for further information. New Prescription Drug Products
The Business Decision Team may or may not place a New Prescription Drug Product on Prescription Drug List upon its market entry. The Business Decision Team will use reasonable efforts to make a decision for a New Prescription Drug
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