Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

Product within six months of its market availability. The Business Decision Team’s decision shall be based on consideration of, without limitation, the P&T Committee’s clinical review of the New Prescription Drug Product and economic factors. If a New Prescription Drug Product not listed on the Prescription Drug List is approved by Cigna or its Review Organization as Medically Necessary in the interim, the New Prescription Drug Product shall be covered as set forth in The Schedule.

Pharmacy may be determined by applying the Deductible, if any, and/or non-Network Pharmacy Coinsurance amount set forth in The Schedule to the average wholesale price (or “AWP”), or other benchmark price Cigna applies, for a Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a non-Network Pharmacy. Your reimbursement, if any, for a covered Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a non-Network Pharmacy will never exceed the average wholesale price (or other benchmark price applied by Cigna) for the Prescription Drug Product. When a treatment regimen contains more than one type of Prescription Drug Products that are packaged together for your or your Dependent's convenience, any applicable Copayment or Coinsurance may apply to each Prescription Drug Product. You will need to obtain prior approval from Cigna or its Review Organization for any Prescription Drug Product not listed on the Prescription Drug List that is not otherwise excluded. If Cigna or its Review Organization approves coverage for the Prescription Drug Product because it meets the applicable coverage exception criteria, the Prescription Drug Product shall be covered at the applicable coverage tier as set forth in The Schedule. The amount you or your Dependent pays for any excluded Prescription Drug Product or other product or service will not be included in calculating any applicable plan Out-of-Pocket Maximum. You are responsible for paying 100% of the cost (the amount the Pharmacy charges you) for any excluded Prescription Drug Product or other product.




Your Payments Covered Prescription Drug Products purchased at a Pharmacy are subject to any applicable Deductible, Copayments or Coinsurance shown in The Schedule, as well as any limitations or exclusions set forth in this plan. Please refer to The Schedule for any required Copayments, Coinsurance, Deductibles or Out-of-Pocket Maximums. Deductible Your plan requires that you pay the costs for covered Prescription Drug Products up to the Deductible amount set forth in The Schedule. Until you meet that Deductible amount, your costs under the plan for a covered Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a Network Pharmacy will be the lowest of the following amounts:  the Prescription Drug Charge; or  the Network Pharmacy’s submitted Usual and Customary (U&C) Charge, if any. The Schedule sets forth your costs for covered Prescription Drug Products after you have satisfied the Deductible amount. Coinsurance Your plan requires that you pay a Coinsurance amount for covered Prescription Drug Products as set forth in The Schedule. After satisfying any applicable annual Deductible set forth in The Schedule, your costs under the plan for a covered Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a Network Pharmacy and that is subject to a Coinsurance requirement will be the lowest of the following amounts:  the amount that results from applying the applicable Coinsurance percentage set forth in The Schedule to the Prescription Drug Charge; or  the Network Pharmacy’s submitted Usual and Customary (U&C) Charge, if any. Payments at Non-Network Pharmacies Any reimbursement due to you under this plan for a covered Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a non-Network




Exclusions Coverage exclusions listed under the “Exclusions, Expenses Not Covered and General Limitations” section also apply to benefits for Prescription Drug Products. In addition, the exclusions listed below apply to benefits for Prescription Drug Products. When an exclusion or limitation applies to only certain Prescription Drug Products, you can access the internet through the website shown on your ID card or call member services at the telephone number on your ID card for information on which Prescription Drug Products are excluded.  coverage for Prescription Drug Products for the amount dispensed (days' supply) which exceeds the applicable supply limit, or is less than any applicable supply minimum set forth in The Schedule, or which exceeds quantity limit(s) or dosage limit(s) set by the P&T Committee.


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