more than one Prescription Order or Refill for a given prescription supply period for the same Prescription Drug Product prescribed by one or more Physicians and dispensed by one or more Pharmacies. Prescription Drug Products dispensed outside the jurisdiction of the United States, except as required for emergency or Urgent Care treatment. Prescription Drug Products which are prescribed, dispensed or intended to be taken by or administered to you while you are a patient in a licensed Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, rest home, rehabilitation facility, or similar institution which operates on its premises or allows to be operated on its premises a facility for dispensing pharmaceutical products. Prescription Drug Products furnished by the local, state or federal government (except for a Network Pharmacy owned or operated by a local, state or federal government). any product dispensed for the purpose of appetite suppression (anorectics) or weight loss. Prescription and non-prescription supplies other than supplies covered as Prescription Drug Products. vitamins, except prenatal vitamins that require a Prescription Order or Refill, unless coverage for such product(s) is required by federal or state law. medications used for cosmetic purposes, including, without limitation, medications used to reduce wrinkles, medications used to promote hair growth, or medications used to control perspiration and fade cream products. Prescription Drug Products as a replacement for a previously dispensed Prescription Drug Product that was lost, stolen, broken or destroyed. Medical Pharmaceuticals covered solely under the plan’s medical benefits. Prescription Drug Products used for the treatment of male or female sexual dysfunction, including, but not limited to erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, anorgasmy, hypoactive sexual desire disorder and decreased libido. any ingredient(s) in a compounded Prescription Drug Product that has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). medications available over-the-counter that do not require a Prescription Order or Refill by federal or state law before being dispensed, unless state or federal law requires coverage of such medications or the over-the-counter medication has been designated as eligible for coverage as if it were a Prescription Drug Product. certain Prescription Drug Products that are a Therapeutic Equivalent or Therapeutic Alternative to an over-the- counter drug(s), or are available in over-the-counter form. Such coverage determinations may be made periodically,
and benefits for a Prescription Drug Product that was previously excluded under this provision may be reinstated at any time. any product for which the primary use is a source of nutrition, nutritional supplements, or dietary management of disease, even when used for the treatment of Sickness or Injury, unless coverage for such product(s) is required by federal or state law. immunization agents, biological products for allergy immunization, biological sera, blood, blood plasma and other blood products or fractions and medications used for travel prophylaxis unless specifically identified on the Prescription Drug List. certain Prescription Drug Products that are a Therapeutic Equivalent or Therapeutic Alternative to another covered Prescription Drug Product(s). Such coverage determinations may be made periodically, and benefits for a Prescription Drug Product that was previously excluded under this provision may be reinstated at any time. medications that are experimental investigational or unproven as described under the “General Exclusion and Limitations” section of your plan’s certificate.
Reimbursement/Filing a Claim Retail Pharmacy
When you or your Dependents purchase your Prescription Drug Products through a Network Pharmacy, you pay any applicable Copayment, Coinsurance, or Deductible shown in The Schedule at the time of purchase. You do not need to file a claim form for a Prescription Drug Product obtained at a Network Pharmacy unless you pay the full cost of a Prescription Drug Product at a Network Pharmacy and later seek reimbursement for the Prescription Drug Product under the plan. For example, if you must pay the full cost of a Prescription Drug Product to the retail Network Pharmacy because you did not have your ID card, then you must submit a claim to Cigna for any reimbursement or benefit you believe is due to you under this plan. If, under this example, your payment to the retail Network Pharmacy for the covered Prescription Drug Product exceeds any applicable copay, then you will be reimbursed the difference, if any, between the applicable copay and the Prescription Drug Charge for the Prescription Drug Product. If you obtain a covered Prescription Drug Product dispensed by a non-Network Pharmacy, then you must pay the non- Network Pharmacy for the Prescription Drug Product and then submit a claim to Cigna for any reimbursement or benefit you
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