believe is due to you under this plan. You can obtain a claim form through the website shown on your ID card or by calling member services at the telephone number on your ID card.
charges arising out of or relating to any violation of a healthcare-related state or federal law or which themselves are a violation of a healthcare-related state or federal law. assistance in the activities of daily living, including but not limited to eating, bathing, dressing or other Custodial Services or self-care activities, homemaker services and services primarily for rest, domiciliary or convalescent care. for or in connection with experimental, investigational or unproven services. Experimental, investigational and unproven services are medical, surgical, diagnostic, psychiatric, substance use disorder or other health care technologies, supplies, treatments, procedures, drug or Biologic therapies or devices that are determined by the utilization review Physician to be: not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or other appropriate regulatory agency to be lawfully marketed; not demonstrated, through existing peer-reviewed, evidence-based, scientific literature to be safe and effective for treating or diagnosing the condition or Sickness for which its use is proposed; the subject of review or approval by an Institutional Review Board for the proposed use except as provided in the “Clinical Trials” sections of this plan; or the subject of an ongoing phase I, II or III clinical trial, except for routine patient care costs related to qualified clinical trials as provided in the “Clinical Trials” sections of this plan. In determining whether any such technologies, supplies, treatments, drug or Biologic therapies, or devices are experimental, investigational, and/or unproven, the utilization review Physician may rely on the clinical coverage policies maintained by Cigna or the Review Organization. Clinical coverage policies may incorporate, without limitation and as applicable, criteria relating to U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved labeling, the standard medical reference compendia and peer-reviewed, evidence-based scientific literature or guidelines. cosmetic surgery and therapies. Cosmetic surgery or therapy is defined as surgery or therapy performed to improve or alter appearance or self-esteem. the following services are excluded from coverage regardless of clinical indications: abdominoplasty; panniculectomy; rhinoplasty; blepharoplasty; redundant skin surgery; removal of skin tags; acupressure; craniosacral/cranial therapy; dance therapy; movement therapy; applied kinesiology; rolfing; prolotherapy; and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for musculoskeletal and orthopedic conditions.
Exclusions, Expenses Not Covered and General Limitations Exclusions and Expenses Not Covered Additional coverage limitations determined by plan or provider type are shown in The Schedule. Payment for the following is specifically excluded from this plan: care for health conditions that are required by state or local law to be treated in a public facility. care required by state or federal law to be supplied by a public school system or school district. care for military service disabilities treatable through governmental services if you are legally entitled to such treatment and facilities are reasonably available. treatment of an Injury or Sickness which is due to war, declared, or undeclared. charges which you are not obligated to pay or for which you are not billed or for which you would not have been billed except that they were covered under this plan. For example, if Cigna determines that a provider or Pharmacy is or has waived, reduced, or forgiven any portion of its charges and/or any portion of Copayment, Deductible, and/or Coinsurance amount(s) you are required to pay for a Covered Expense (as shown on The Schedule) without Cigna’s express consent, then Cigna in its sole discretion shall have the right to deny the payment of benefits in connection with the Covered Expense, or reduce the benefits in proportion to the amount of the Copayment, Deductible, and/or Coinsurance amounts waived, forgiven or reduced, regardless of whether the provider or Pharmacy represents that you remain responsible for any amounts that your plan does not cover. In the exercise of that discretion, Cigna shall have the right to require you to provide proof sufficient to Cigna that you have made your required cost share payment(s) prior to the payment of any benefits by Cigna. This exclusion includes, but is not limited to, charges of a non-Participating Provider who has agreed to charge you or charged you at an In-Network benefits level or some other benefits level not otherwise applicable to the services received.
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