Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

be covered under the same option. The special enrollment events include:  Acquiring a new Dependent. If you acquire a new Dependent(s) through marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption, you may request special enrollment for any of the following combinations of individuals if not already enrolled in the Plan: Employee only; spouse only; Employee and spouse; Dependent child(ren) only; Employee and Dependent child(ren); Employee, spouse and Dependent child(ren). Enrollment of Dependent children is limited to the newborn or adopted children or children who became Dependent children of the Employee due to marriage.  Loss of eligibility for State Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If you and/or your Dependent(s) were covered under a state Medicaid or CHIP plan and the coverage is terminated due to a loss of eligibility, you may request special enrollment for yourself and any affected Dependent(s) who are not already enrolled in the Plan. You must request enrollment within 60 days after termination of Medicaid or CHIP coverage.  Loss of eligibility for other coverage (excluding continuation coverage). If coverage was declined under this Plan due to coverage under another plan, and eligibility for the other coverage is lost, you and all of your eligible Dependent(s) may request special enrollment in this Plan. If required by the Plan, when enrollment in this Plan was previously declined, it must have been declined in writing with a statement that the reason for declining enrollment was due to other health coverage. This provision applies to loss of eligibility as a result of any of the following:  divorce or legal separation;  cessation of Dependent status (such as reaching the limiting age);  death of the Employee;  termination of employment;  reduction in work hours to below the minimum required for eligibility;  you or your Dependent(s) no longer reside, live or work in the other plan’s network service area and no other coverage is available under the other plan;  you or your Dependent(s) incur a claim which meets or exceeds the lifetime maximum limit that is applicable to all benefits offered under the other plan; or  the other plan no longer offers any benefits to a class of similarly situated individuals.  Termination of Employer contributions (excluding continuation coverage). If a current or former Employer ceases all contributions toward the Employee’s or Dependent’s other coverage, special enrollment may be

requested in this Plan for you and all of your eligible Dependent(s).  Exhaustion of COBRA or other continuation coverage. Special enrollment may be requested in this Plan for you and all of your eligible Dependent(s) upon exhaustion of COBRA or other continuation coverage. If you or your Dependent(s) elect COBRA or other continuation coverage following loss of coverage under another plan, the COBRA or other continuation coverage must be exhausted before any special enrollment rights exist under this Plan. An individual is considered to have exhausted COBRA or other continuation coverage only if such coverage ceases: due to failure of the Employer or other responsible entity to remit premiums on a timely basis; when the person no longer resides or works in the other plan’s service area and there is no other COBRA or continuation coverage available under the plan; or when the individual incurs a claim that would meet or exceed a lifetime maximum limit on all benefits and there is no other COBRA or other continuation coverage available to the individual. This does not include termination of an Employer’s limited period of contributions toward COBRA or other continuation coverage as provided under any severance or other agreement.  Eligibility for employment assistance under State Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If you and/or your Dependent(s) become eligible for assistance with group health plan premium payments under a state Medicaid or CHIP plan, you may request special enrollment for yourself and any affected Dependent(s) who are not already enrolled in the Plan. You must request enrollment within 60 days after the date you are determined to be eligible for assistance. Except as stated above, special enrollment must be requested within 30 days after the occurrence of the special enrollment event. If the special enrollment event is the birth or adoption of a Dependent child, coverage will be effective immediately on the date of birth, adoption or placement for adoption. Coverage with regard to any other special enrollment event will be effective no later than the first day of the first calendar month following receipt of the request for special enrollment. Domestic Partners and their children (if not legal children of the Employee) are not eligible for special enrollment.




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