Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

obtaining this review. You or your authorized representative (typically, your health care professional) must request prior authorization according to the procedures described below, in the booklet, and in your provider’s network participation documents as applicable. When services or benefits are determined to be not covered, you or your representative will receive a written description of the adverse determination, and may appeal the determination. Appeal procedures are described in the booklet, in your provider’s network participation documents as applicable, and in the determination notices. Note: An oral statement made to you by a representative of Cigna or its designee that indicates, for example, a particular service is a Covered Expense, is authorized for coverage by the plan, or that you are eligible for coverage is not a guarantee that you will receive benefits for services under this plan. Cigna will make a benefit determination after a claim is received from you or your authorized representative, and the benefit determination will be based on, your eligibility as of the date services were rendered to you and the terms and conditions of the plan in effect as of the date services were rendered to you. Preservice Determinations When you or your representative requests a required prior authorization, Cigna will notify you or your representative of the determination within 15 days after receiving the request. However, if more time is needed due to matters beyond Cigna’s control, Cigna will notify you or your representative within 15 days after receiving your request. This notice will include the date a determination can be expected, which will be no more than 30 days after receipt of the request. If more time is needed because necessary information is missing from the request, the notice will also specify what information is needed, and you or your representative must provide the specified information to Cigna within 45 days after receiving the notice. The determination period will be suspended on the date Cigna sends such a notice of missing information, and the determination period will resume on the date you or your representative responds to the notice. If the determination periods above would seriously jeopardize your life or health, your ability to regain maximum function, or in the opinion of a health care professional with knowledge of your health condition, cause you severe pain which cannot be managed without the requested services, Cigna will make the preservice determination on an expedited basis. Cigna will defer to the determination of the treating health care professional regarding whether an expedited determination is necessary. Cigna will notify you or your representative of an expedited determination within 72 hours after receiving the request. However, if necessary information is missing from the request, Cigna will notify you or your representative within 24

Continuation of Coverage For leaves of less than 31 days, coverage will continue as described in the Termination section regarding Leave of Absence. For leaves of 31 days or more, you may continue coverage for yourself and your Dependents as follows: You may continue benefits by paying the required premium to your Employer, until the earliest of the following:  24 months from the last day of employment with the Employer;  the day after you fail to return to work; and  the date the policy cancels. Your Employer may charge you and your Dependents up to 102% of the total premium. Reinstatement of Benefits (applicable to all coverages) If your coverage ends during the leave of absence because you do not elect USERRA at the expiration of USERRA and you are reemployed by your current Employer, coverage for you and your Dependents may be reinstated if you gave your Employer advance written or verbal notice of your military service leave, and the duration of all military leaves while you are employed with your current Employer does not exceed 5 years. You and your Dependents will be subject to only the balance of a waiting period that was not yet satisfied before the leave began. However, if an Injury or Sickness occurs or is aggravated during the military leave, full Plan limitations will apply. If your coverage under this plan terminates as a result of your eligibility for military medical and dental coverage and your order to active duty is canceled before your active duty service commences, these reinstatement rights will continue to apply.



Claim Determination Procedures under ERISA The following complies with federal law. Provisions of applicable laws of your state may supersede. Procedures Regarding Medical Necessity Determinations In general, health services and benefits must be Medically Necessary to be covered under the plan. The procedures for determining Medical Necessity vary, according to the type of service or benefit requested, and the type of health plan. Medical Necessity determinations are made on a preservice, concurrent, or postservice basis, as described below: Certain services require prior authorization in order to be covered. The booklet describes who is responsible for


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