hours after receiving the request to specify what information is needed. You or your representative must provide the specified information to Cigna within 48 hours after receiving the notice. Cigna will notify you or your representative of the expedited benefit determination within 48 hours after you or your representative responds to the notice. Expedited determinations may be provided orally, followed within 3 days by written or electronic notification. If you or your representative attempts to request a preservice determination, but fails to follow Cigna’s procedures for requesting a required preservice determination, Cigna will notify you or your representative of the failure and describe the proper procedures for filing within 5 days (or 24 hours, if an expedited determination is required, as described above) after receiving the request. This notice may be provided orally, unless you or your representative requests written notification. Concurrent Determinations When an ongoing course of treatment has been approved for you and you wish to extend the approval, you or your representative must request a required concurrent coverage determination at least 24 hours prior to the expiration of the approved period of time or number of treatments. When you or your representative requests such a determination, Cigna will notify you or your representative of the determination within 24 hours after receiving the request. Postservice Determinations When you or your representative requests a coverage determination or a claim payment determination after services have been rendered, Cigna will notify you or your representative of the determination within 30 days after receiving the request. However, if more time is needed to make a determination due to matters beyond Cigna’s control, Cigna will notify you or your representative within 30 days after receiving the request. This notice will include the date a determination can be expected, which will be no more than 45 days after receipt of the request. If more time is needed because necessary information is missing from the request, the notice will also specify what information is needed, and you or your representative must provide the specified information to Cigna within 45 days after receiving the notice. The determination period will be suspended on the date Cigna sends such a notice of missing information, and the determination period will resume on the date you or your representative responds to the notice. Notice of Adverse Determination Every notice of an adverse benefit determination will be provided in writing or electronically, and will include all of the following that pertain to the determination: information sufficient to identify the claim including, if applicable, the date of service, provider and claim amount; diagnosis and treatment codes, and their meanings; the specific reason or
reasons for the adverse determination including, if applicable, the denial code and its meaning and a description of any standard that was used in the denial; reference to the specific plan provisions on which the determination is based; a description of any additional material or information necessary to perfect the claim and an explanation of why such material or information is necessary; a description of the plan’s review procedures and the time limits applicable, including a statement of a claimant’s rights to bring a civil action under section 502(a) of ERISA following an adverse benefit determination on appeal, (if applicable); upon request and free of charge, a copy of any internal rule, guideline, protocol or other similar criterion that was relied upon in making the adverse determination regarding your claim; and an explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for a determination that is based on a Medical Necessity, experimental treatment or other similar exclusion or limit; a description of any available internal appeal and/or external review process(es); information about any office of health insurance consumer assistance or ombudsman available to assist you with the appeal process; and in the case of a claim involving urgent care, a description of the expedited review process applicable to such claim.
Appointment of Authorized Representative You may appoint an authorized representative to assist you in submitting a claim or appealing a claim denial. However, Cigna may require you to designate your authorized representative in writing using a form approved by Cigna. At all times, the appointment of an authorized representative is revocable by you. To ensure that a prior appointment remains valid, Cigna may require you to re-appoint your authorized representative, from time to time. Cigna reserves the right to refuse to honor the appointment of a representative if Cigna reasonably determines that: the signature on an authorized representative form may not be yours, or the authorized representative may not have disclosed to you all of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the overpayment or underpayment of any claim, including, for example, that the billing practices of the provider of medical services may have jeopardized your coverage through the waiver of the cost-sharing amounts that you are required to pay under your plan.
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