If your designation of an authorized representative is revoked, or Cigna does not honor your designation, you may appoint a new authorized representative at any time, in writing, using a form approved by Cigna.
Your appeal will be reviewed and the decision made by someone not involved in the initial decision. Appeals involving Medical Necessity or clinical appropriateness will be considered by a health care professional. We will respond in writing with a decision within 30 calendar days after we receive an appeal for a required preservice or concurrent care coverage determination or a postservice Medical Necessity determination. We will respond within 60 calendar days after we receive an appeal for any other postservice coverage determination. If more time or information is needed to make the determination, we will notify you in writing to request an extension of up to 15 calendar days and to specify any additional information needed to complete the review. In the event any new or additional information (evidence) is considered, relied upon or generated by Cigna in connection with the appeal, this information will be provided automatically to you as soon as possible and sufficiently in advance of the decision, so that you will have an opportunity to respond. Also, if any new or additional rationale is considered by Cigna, Cigna will provide the rationale to you as soon as possible and sufficiently in advance of the decision so that you will have an opportunity to respond. You may request that the appeal process be expedited if the time frames under this process would seriously jeopardize your life, health or ability to regain maximum functionality or in the opinion of your health care provider would cause you severe pain which cannot be managed without the requested services. If you request that your appeal be expedited, you may also ask for an expedited external Independent Review at the same time, if the time to complete an expedited level-one appeal would be detrimental to your medical condition. When an appeal is expedited, Cigna will respond orally with a decision within 72 hours, followed up in writing. External Review Procedure If you are not fully satisfied with the decision of Cigna's internal appeal review and the appeal involves medical judgment or a rescission of coverage, you may request that your appeal be referred to an Independent Review Organization (IRO). The IRO is composed of persons who are not employed by Cigna, or any of its affiliates. A decision to request an external review to an IRO will not affect the claimant's rights to any other benefits under the plan. There is no charge for you to initiate an external review. Cigna and your benefit plan will abide by the decision of the IRO. To request a review, you must notify the Appeals Coordinator within 4 months of your receipt of Cigna's appeal review denial. Cigna will then forward the file to a randomly selected IRO. The IRO will render an opinion within 45 days.
Medical - When You Have a Complaint or an Appeal For the purposes of this section, any reference to "you" or "your" also refers to a representative or provider designated by you to act on your behalf; unless otherwise noted. We want you to be completely satisfied with the services you receive. That is why we have established a process for addressing your concerns and solving your problems. Start With Customer Service We are here to listen and help. If you have a concern regarding a person, a service, the quality of care, contractual benefits, or a rescission of coverage, you may call the toll - free number on your ID card, explanation of benefits, or claim form and explain your concern to one of our Customer Service representatives. You may also express that concern in writing. We will do our best to resolve the matter on your initial contact. If we need more time to review or investigate your concern, we will get back to you as soon as possible, but in any case within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with the results of a coverage decision, you may start the appeals procedure. Internal Appeals Procedure To initiate an appeal of an adverse benefit determination, you must submit a request for an appeal to Cigna within 180 days of receipt of a denial notice. However, if Cigna reduces or terminates coverage (except where the reduction or termination is due to a plan amendment or termination) for an ongoing course of treatment that Cigna previously approved, then to initiate an appeal you must submit a request for an appeal of that reduction or termination in coverage within 30 days of receipt of the denial notice. If you appeal timely a reduction or termination in coverage for an ongoing course of treatment that Cigna previously approved, you will receive, as required by applicable law, continued coverage pending the outcome of an appeal. You should state the reason why you feel your appeal should be approved and include any information supporting your appeal. If you are unable or choose not to write, you may ask Cigna to register your appeal by telephone. Call or write us at the toll-free number on your ID card, explanation of benefits, or claim form.
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