Cigna Health Savings Account (HSA) Summary Plan Description

Public Health Service Act (42 USC 262(i)) (as amended by the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009, title VII of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 7002 (2010), and as may be amended thereafter).

Chiropractic Care The term Chiropractic Care means the conservative

management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions through manipulation and ancillary physiological treatment rendered to specific joints to restore motion, reduce pain and improve function.






Brand Drug A Prescription Drug Product that Cigna identifies as a Brand Drug product across its book-of-business, principally based on available data resources, including, but not limited to, First DataBank or another nationally recognized drug indicator source, that classify drugs or Biologics as either brand or generic based on a number of factors. Not all products identified as a "brand name" by the manufacturer, Pharmacy, or your Physician may be classified as a Brand Drug under the plan.

Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy A home delivery Network Pharmacy owned and operated by licensed Pharmacy affiliates of Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company.



Custodial Services Any services that are of a sheltering, protective, or



safeguarding nature. Such services may include a stay in an institutional setting, at-home care, or nursing services to care for someone because of age or mental or physical condition. This service primarily helps the person in daily living. Custodial care also can provide medical services, given mainly to maintain the person’s current state of health. These services cannot be intended to greatly improve a medical condition; they are intended to provide care while the patient cannot care for himself or herself. Custodial Services include but are not limited to:  Services related to watching or protecting a person;  Services related to performing or assisting a person in performing any activities of daily living, such as: walking, grooming, bathing, dressing, getting in or out of bed, toileting, eating, preparing foods, or taking medications that can be self administered, and  Services not required to be performed by trained or skilled medical or paramedical personnel.

Business Decision Team A committee comprised of voting and non-voting representatives across various Cigna business units such as clinical, medical and business leadership that is duly authorized by Cigna to make decisions regarding coverage treatment of Prescription Drug Products or Medical Pharmaceuticals based on clinical findings provided by the P&T Committee, including, but not limited to, decisions regarding tier placement and application of utilization management to Prescription Drug Products or Medical Pharmaceuticals.



Charges The term charges means the actual billed charges; except when Cigna has contracted directly or indirectly for a different amount including where Cigna has directly or indirectly contracted with an entity to arrange for the provision of services and/or supplies through contracts with providers of such services and/or supplies.




Dependent Dependents are:



 your lawful spouse; and  any child of yours who is  less than 26 years old.


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