You, your dependent or an attending Physician can request Case Management services by calling the toll-free number shown on your ID card during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. In addition, your employer, a claim office or a utilization review program (see the PAC/CSR section of your certificate) may refer an individual for Case Management. The Review Organization assesses each case to determine whether Case Management is appropriate. You or your Dependent is contacted by an assigned Case Manager who explains in detail how the program works. Participation in the program is voluntary - no penalty or benefit reduction is imposed if you do not wish to participate in Case Management. Following an initial assessment, the Case Manager works with you, your family and Physician to determine the needs of the patient and to identify what alternate treatment programs are available (for example, in-home medical care in lieu of an extended Hospital convalescence). You are not penalized if the alternate treatment program is not followed. The Case Manager arranges for alternate treatment services and supplies, as needed (for example, nursing services or a Hospital bed and other Durable Medical Equipment for the home). The Case Manager also acts as a liaison between the insurer, the patient, his or her family and Physician as needed (for example, by helping you to understand a complex medical diagnosis or treatment plan). Once the alternate treatment program is in place, the Case Manager continues to manage the case to ensure the treatment program remains appropriate to the patient's needs. While participation in Case Management is strictly voluntary, Case Management professionals can offer quality, cost- effective treatment alternatives, as well as provide assistance in obtaining needed medical resources and ongoing family support in a time of need.
Special Plan Provisions When you select a Participating Provider, this Plan pays a greater share of the costs than if you select a non-Participating Provider. Participating Providers include Physicians, Hospitals and Other Health Care Professionals and Other Health Care Facilities. Consult your Physician Guide for a list of Participating Providers in your area. Participating Providers are committed to providing you and your Dependents appropriate care while lowering medical costs. Services Available in Conjunction With Your Medical Plan The following pages describe helpful services available in conjunction with your medical plan. You can access these services by calling the toll-free number shown on the back of your ID card.
Case Management Case Management is a service provided through a Review Organization, which assists individuals with treatment needs that extend beyond the acute care setting. The goal of Case Management is to ensure that patients receive appropriate care in the most effective setting possible whether at home, as an outpatient, or an inpatient in a Hospital or specialized facility. Should the need for Case Management arise, a Case Management professional will work closely with the patient, his or her family and the attending Physician to determine appropriate treatment options which will best meet the patient's needs and keep costs manageable. The Case Manager will help coordinate the treatment program and arrange for necessary resources. Case Managers are also available to answer questions and provide ongoing support for the family in times of medical crisis. Case Managers are Registered Nurses (RNs) and other credentialed health care professionals, each trained in a clinical specialty area such as trauma, high risk pregnancy and neonates, oncology, mental health, rehabilitation or general medicine and surgery. A Case Manager trained in the appropriate clinical specialty area will be assigned to you or your dependent. In addition, Case Managers are supported by a panel of Physician advisors who offer guidance on up-to- date treatment programs and medical technology. While the Case Manager recommends alternate treatment programs and helps coordinate needed resources, the patient's attending Physician remains responsible for the actual medical care.
Additional Programs We may, from time to time, offer or arrange for various entities to offer discounts, benefits, or other consideration to our members for the purpose of promoting the general health and well being of our members. We may also arrange for the reimbursement of all or a portion of the cost of services
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