very small companies. There were little to no opportunities to network and meet others in my field back then. Email and social media were not the norm then. Serving on the Board changed everything. I got to know every single person in the organization and have maintained strong alliances from those years to this day. Many of those associations were the only reason I was able to succeed in the development of my career over the last 30 years. I am grateful even now for my privilege of being on the Board and encourage anyone, old or new to the industry, to get involved and take your career path to higher levels.” Another past board member Vicki Jones says, “I have served on numerous committees and served at different positions on the board. Every time I volunteered, I met new people and made new friends. Serving on the board has helped me connect with other business contacts, network with old contacts and help me appreciate all the work that is done behind the scenes. It is an awesome opportunity and I would highly encourage everyone to serve at least once. If you are like me, I enjoyed it so much, I kept serving.” For more information regarding PBADOA, please visit our website at ………………………………… SOONER ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (SADOA) Association based in the Tulsa, OK Area The SADOA Summer Seminar was held on June 6 at the OSU Tulsa campus.We had a great turnout with fantastic speakers who covered restricted property interest, retained acreage clauses and post production costs, private trusts as owners of minerals, how to enhance our personal productivity, the value of continued education, and we had a “good discussion about bad conveyances.”Thank you to all of our speakers and to all of those who attended. Congratulations to Joey Stubbings at Citizen Energy II, the lucky winner of the SADOA $1,000 scholarship to attend the 2018 NADOA Institute! Our August 8 luncheon at the Tulsa Country Club featured Randy Foutch, Chairman and CEO of Laredo Petroleum who spoke on solar and wind energies and their impact on the oil and gas industry.The October 10 luncheon will feature Kacie Bevers of Steptoe and Johnson; her topic is: Curative Game Plan: Title Curative Issues and Game-Winning Solutions. On
December 6, SADOA will host the Holiday Dinner Meeting at the Gilcrease Museum; we are excited to try a new location! October not only brings nicer weather, but it also brings the SADOA 2019 Board elections! Serving on the Board is a great way to give back, improve your connections, and provide fresh perspective.Are you good at taking notes? Perhaps Secretary is the position for you! Do you enjoy organizing get-togethers? You would be a natural 2nd Vice President or Director! We have several positions available, so if you have ever considered running for the board, or if you know someone who would be a great fit, please reach out to Lisa Daniels at (918) 863-7177 or I am serving as the 2018 SADOA Second Vice President and my duties were to plan and present the Annual Summer Seminar. I was nervous, as I had never held a board position before but accepted the challenge. Long story short, despite the self- inflicted stress, the Summer Seminar went off without a hitch and was a great success. I am very grateful I decided to step out of my comfort zone and accept this position. I have made great friends, met some wonderful people and have all around just enjoyed being a part of the action. I would encourage anyone even considering a position on their local or national board to “just do it!” You’ll be glad you did. ~ Cyndi Bryant Serving on the board has been exciting; you meet many individuals that you know by name but can now put a face with. You also gain knowledge about the other companies within the industry as you meet individuals or find topics for a newsletter. ~ Janet Cavanah Serving as the 2018 SADOATreasurer has allowed me to see what goes on “behind the scenes” regarding planning the SADOA luncheons, summer seminar and Christmas party and has given me a greater appreciation for those who served in the past. Serving does require time and commitment, however the benefits of meeting and working with fellow colleagues has definitely been time well spent. ~ Carrie Hughes For more information regarding SADOA, please visit our website at …………………………………
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