2018 Q3



Cheryl Hampton 2018 NADOA President

It’s hard to believe summer has come to an end, school is back in session and the 45th Annual Institute has come and gone. Thank you to all who attended this year’s Institute at the beautiful Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Resort in Nashville. The NADOA Board and Institute Committee were absolutely blown away by the numbers this year! With the ups and downs in the industry, it isn’t always easy to pick a city and hotel to hold Institute, especially when those decisions are made two years in advance. We have had to tighten up our budget these past few years and the individuals on the Board and Institute Committees have done an exceptional job keeping to their budgets. Decisions are made based on what is best for our members and our association. NADOA Institute is the best educational experience in the business. We began offering workshops on the Wednesday before Institute starts a few years ago at no additional cost to attendees. I believe we had the largest Wednesday attendance this year! Where else can you get three days of education for the price of two? Remember, you’re never too old to learn new things! I know that I learn something new at every class I attend even though I’ve been to a class on that subject before. As we move into the Third Quarter we start looking toward the end of the year. NADOA will offer one more webinar in November. The 2018 Board will meet with the 2019 Board to assure a smooth transition of offices and conduct end of the year business. I encourage each and every one of you to join NADOA next year and to get involved. We’ll have more on how you can do that in the next issue. I hope those of you who attended Institute got to meet at least one person you didn’t know before. Even though our members are spread out across several states, our industry is quite small. What a great way to network and get to know your fellow Division Order Analysts! Isn’t it great when you’re sitting in that meeting at work and a co-worker says they really need some information from such and such company but have no contacts and you can say that you have a contact there? A contact you made through NADOA at Institute…or from being on a committee? Never pass up an opportunity to meet other analysts or further your education. Not only will you benefit yourself, but you just might make some pretty good friends!

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