Dr. Jessica Harrington MD Dr. Jessica Harrington is a Family Physician who has been practicing medicine since 1994. She is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and completed her Family Medicine Residency at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island/Brown School of Medicine. Dr. Harrington practiced primary care medicine for children and adults for many years before specializing in addiction medicine at Allied Health Clinic.
Dr. Susan Johnson MD
Dr. Lawrence Litman MD Bachelor of Science, Queens
College 1958 MD State University of New York, college medicine 1962 Intern in medicine – Kings county hospital 1962-1963 Resident in psychiatry, Harvard service psychiatry – Boston Medical Center 1963-1966 Resident in child psychiatry – Mass General hospital 1966-68 Associate & assistant in clinical psychiatry, department of psychiatry –Harvard medical school 1966-1974 Co director, psychiatry service, noble hospital 1983-1986 Diplomat in cognitive therapy, center for cognitive therapy, university of Pennsylvania 1984-1986 Private practice; psychiatry, child psychiatry, cognitive therapy, addiction psychiatry -1968 – present Addiction psychiatry, Suboxone treatment 2011-present
Dr. Theodore Treibick MD
A Dedicated Staff Clinic owner Victor Torosyan attributes the clinic’s progress to the dedication sta has to their patients and their holistic approach to treatment.e administrative team includes administrative director Kenton Fabrick, who has 20-plus years of clinical experience, and CFO Levon Gyulnazaryan, who has a degree in chemistry. “We are not a pill dispensary, as some so-called clinics are,”Torosyan said. “We are totally dedicated to giving people the full services–medical and psychological–they need to get their life back. Every patient receives a full medical workup and treatment or referrals for special health problems,” he said. Torosyan successfully pursued tAmerican Dream, and now wants to return something to the community. “e people who come to our clinic are ordinary people, who were in the wrong place at the wrong time,”Torosyan said. “Our mission is to give them hope, to work with them to get their lives back. Together, we can succeed. We already have some success stories.”
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