Support and share Have you lost someone through death? Bereaved Families of Ontario - Cornwall & Area support Evenings are open to all be- reaved adults struggling with the loss of a loved one. The next support and share night is Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 216 Montreal Road. There will be a pre- sentation followed by small group sup- port. For more information, call 613-936- 1455 or visit the drop-in centre weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Voyage en Chine Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude vous in- vite à la grande célébration du nouvel an chinois le dimanche 10 février de 12h30 à 14h30. Normand Vachon présentera la Chine à travers sa conférence et des pho- tos de voyage. L’entrée coûte 20$ et un buffet asiatique sera offert. Ride for Dad Nation Valley ATV Club – the first Ride for Dad ATV Chapter in Canada -- will be hosting its first annual Ride for Dad on March 2. The cost to participate is $30 per person and includes lunch, dinner and an opportunity to win many great prizes. The ride begins at the Mountain Township Agricultural Hall at 2967 Lough Road in South Mountain. Registration is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m . with departure at 10 a.m. Participants must pre-register to attend on Feb. 23 between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the Ottawa Boat & Sportsman Show at the CE Center Ottawa or online at www.Rid- Clinique d’acupuncture Avez-vous besoin d’un traitement médi- cal ou un muscle endolori? Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude offrira une journée de traitement à l’acupuncture gratuit grâce à Accès Acupuncture. Christian St- Pierre et Julie Lévesque animeront cette journée le vendredi 8 février de 10 h à 11 h Mark your calendars for Agapè Centre’s Spaghetti Dinner & Country Dancing Fun- draiser on Feb. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to mid- night at the Army Navy Club at 14 Marl- borough St. For more information on the event benefitting families hurt by hunger in Cornwall, call Alyssa Blais at the Agapè Centre at 613-361-0332. Tickets are on sale NOW for $10 at the Agapè Centre, ANAF Club and online. There will be door prizes, a raffle and a silent auction. Email your coming events to lyse.emond@ // Envoyez vos événements à lyse. communautaire Le lien community link The 30 dans la salle de l’amitié. Agapè Country
Winterfest expands
The Journal
The Storm Realty Cornwall Winterfest Car- naval 2013 is growing again. The popular carnival will take place over five days book- marking Family Day weekend this month. Events at the annual carnival will take place from Thursday, Feb. 14th to Monday, Feb. 18, making the 2013 edition the biggest Winterfest Carnaval so far. The free admission winter festival will fea- ture numerous activities to complement the main event of this year, the David Why- sall “Team Canada” International Fireworks which will launch on three consecutive eve- nings – Feb. 15, 16 and 17. The ceremonial puck drop of the“Cornwall Colts Winterfest Hockey Game” on Thursday, Feb. 14 will mark the official beginning of Cornwall Winterfest. The carnival’s opening ceremonies will take place from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Lamou- reux Park on Friday, Feb. 15 and festivities continue on both Saturday and Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. with a full slate of free activi- ties throughout each day. As an addition to this year’s festival, the community will celebrate the Winterfest Family Day on Monday, Feb. 18 with free ac- tivities taking place throughout the city. A full calendar of events may be found by visit- ing 2013 activities include: Team Canada Fire- works, Cornwall Square Outdoor Big Rink, Wagon Rides to Cornwall Community Muse- um for Apple Cider, Public Skating, Concerts, Cornwall Colts Super Skills Competition, Yves Houle Inflatable Midway, Great North Figure Skating Show, Maple Taffy, Winter- fest Movie, Home Depot Workshop, Penguin Lane, Children Entertainers, Jag Woodwork- ing, Crafts, Animal Balloons, Face Painting, Tony Lee Magic Show, Let’s Talk Science, Sub-Zero Winterfest Dance Party, Acoustic Showcase, Bouncing Beans, Hot Chocolate, Public Swims, Rudy Tabak Mini Trains, Win- terfest Bowling, Little Tots Corner and Polar Bear Paws to name a few.
Photo - Greg Kielec
Master of ceremonies David Murphy, left, and Cornwall boxing champion Tony Luis officially open the 2013 Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake at Olympia Bowl on Sunday afternoon. More than 1,200 people participated in the City Challenge at Olympia Bowl and Nativity Lanes in support of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District’s seven mentoring programs. The fun continues with the Counties Challenge Cup on Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Chesterville Bowling Lanes.
Special photo
The Rotary Club of Cornwall has donated $2,500 to assist women to re-integrate with the Community. The donation is intended to assist women and children upon their departure from Baldwin House. Pictured, from left, is the Rotary Club of Cornwall board member Theresa Taylor; Debbie Fortier, executive director of Maison Baldwin house; and Mike Aho, board member of The Rotary Club of Cornwall.
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