Pension tax limits For 2025/26:
from 6 April 2025, changes will be made to replace the remittance basis of taxation, which is based on domicile status, with a new tax regime based on residence. The new regime will provide 100% relief on foreign income and gains for new arrivals to the UK in their first four years of tax residence, provided they have not been UK tax resident in any of the ten consecutive years prior to their arrival. The protection from tax on foreign income and gains arising within settlor-interested trust structures will no longer be available for non-domiciled and deemed domiciled individuals who do not qualify for the four- year foreign income and gains regime. Transitionally, for CGT purposes, current and past remittance basis users will be able to rebase foreign assets they held on 5 April 2017 to their value at that date when they dispose of them. Any foreign income and gains that arose on or before 5 April 2025, while an individual was taxed under the remittance basis, will continue to be taxed when remitted to the UK under the current rules. This includes remittances by those who are eligible for the new four-year foreign income and gains regime. A Temporary Repatriation Facility (the Facility) will be available for individuals who have previously claimed the remittance basis. They will be able to designate and remit, at a reduced rate, foreign income and gains that arose prior to the changes. The Facility will be available for a limited period of three tax years, beginning in 2025/26. The Facility rate will be 12% for the first two years and 15% in the final tax year of operation. The current domicile-based system of Inheritance Tax will be replaced with a new residence-based system, which will affect the scope of non-UK property brought into UK Inheritance Tax for individuals and trusts. Overseas Workday Relief will be extended to four years to align with the new four-year foreign income and gains regime and will be subject to a financial limit on the amount of relief that can be claimed, namely the lower of £300,000 or 30% of an individual’s total employment income.
• The Annual Allowance (AA) is £60,000. • Individuals who have ‘threshold income’ for a tax year of greater than £200,000 have their AA for that tax year restricted. It is reduced by £1 for every £2 of ‘adjusted income’ over £260,000, to a minimum AA of £10,000. • The Lump Sum Allowance, which relates to the general maximum that may be able to be taken as a tax-free lump sum, is £268,275. • The Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance, which relates to the general maximum that may be able to be taken as a tax-free lump sum in certain circumstances, is £1,073,100. Individual Savings Accounts For 2025/26, the limits are as follows: • Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) £20,000 • Junior ISAs £9,000 • Lifetime ISAs £4,000 (excluding government bonus) and • Child Trust Funds £9,000. High Income Child Benefit Charge The High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) is a tax charge that applies to higher earners who receive Child Benefit or whose partner receives it. For 2025/26, the income threshold at which HICBC starts to be charged is £60,000. The rate at which HICBC is charged is 1% of the Child Benefit payment for every additional £200 above the threshold. This means that Child Benefit will not be withdrawn in full until individuals have adjusted net income of £80,000 or more. The government will not proceed with the reform to base HICBC on household incomes as proposed by the previous government. Non-UK domiciled individuals Significant changes are made to the tax regime relating to non-UK domiciled individuals. Broadly,
Personal Tax
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