Olympic competitions for three cycles. How? “I succeed through my work, regular training, and the desire to win and succeed that still exists in me. The key and most important factor in Paralympic success is the family. Family provides the great- est support. Of course, here it is also necessary to have the work of professional people, or coaches, clubs and national teams. That’s all one big family that achieved success together.” Kragujevac is very proud of you. Has interest in sport shooting increased because of you specifi- cally? “Success in shooting hasn’t changed me in the sense that I now feel like a media personality and that I have a need to appear in the mass media and on social media regularly. If I do make an appearance, my only aim is to pro- mote sports, or sport shooting. And to thereby provide a reason for as many young people as pos- sible to engage in this sport, pri- marily our youngest compatriots. Interest at a higher level always follows a great success like this.” When and why did you fall in love with this sport in particular? “I practiced recreational shoot- ing as a child. Following serious injury and the possibility to en- gage in Paralympic sports, shoot- ing was my only desire. I’ve liked this sport since childhood.” You were a true medi- cal miracle. You were giv- en only a one per cent chance, yet you are today a world champion. How do you recall 1999, which was a very difficult year in many ways? “The injury occurred six days prior to the launch of military aggression against our country. I stayed alive during those ex- tremely difficult days thanks to the doctors and medical person- nel at the orthopaedic clinic in Bel- grade’s Banjica. I spent five whole
Sve pohvale za Er Srbiju
TOP PRAISE FOR AIR SERBIA Do you like travelling and aero- planes; how have your experienc- es been with our own Air Serbia? “Yes, I like travelling. I had an op- portunity to fly with Air Serbia be- fore Paris and my experiences have been wonderful. I was real- ly pleasantly surprised and delight- ed with the way they awaited us and surprised me with a cake and champagne on the return flight from Paris. Well done, and I praise you fully.” spa centres of Sokobanja, Banja Selters and Ribarska banja, in or- der to receive the best possible re- covery. The injury unfortunately had lasting consequences, but that didn’t prevent me from getting in- to Paralympic sports and from be- ing a champion today.” What would you say to those who can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel? “I would tell them to get in- volved in sports; to not lose hope and become dispirited. No matter how tough a situation is, it could always be tougher. Sport is a path to success, happiness and a bet- ter life.” To conclude, your most precious medal isn’t made of metal. There can be nothing without a family, and there you’ve also been blessed. “Yes, you’re correct, the great- est medals in life are children! I got married ten years ago. I thank God that I have a nine-year-old son. And the most beautiful mo- ments in my life are the time I spend with my wife and son. Af- ter my great success in Paris, my son expressed a desire to prac- tice sport shooting. I hope that he will one day become an Olym- pic champion.”
Volite li putovanja i avione, ka- kva su vam iskustva sa našom Er Srbijom? – Da, volim putovanja. Imao sam priliku i pre Pariza da letim Er Sr- bijom i iskustva su mi sjajna. Baš sam prijatno oduševljen kako su nas dočekali i iznenadili su me tor- tom i šampanjcem na letu u po- vratku iz Pariza. Svaka čast i sve pohvale.
months in Banjica. I had great sup- port from my parents, who were beside me at Banjica throughout all those days. A lot of time has since passed. My memories of those tough moments are slow- ly fading.” A month after sustain- ing the injury and while you were completely im- mobile, you managed to move your left index fin- ger. Does that act hold a lot of symbolism today? “Yes, my first movements started in my left hand. As things stand now, I use that left hand, or my left index finger, to shoot. I was right-handed before the in- jury. However, due to the circum- stances, I now do everything with my left hand. And when it comes to shooting, the symbolism exists.” How did you find the strength to win against yourself, to overcome problems, move on and win at the Olympics? “I found strength in my family, who gave me great support in re- covering as much as possible and being independent. I was aged just 20 back then. And I didn’t want to accept the fact that I’m a per- son with a disability. My desire for rehabilitation and exercises was huge. I spent a lot of time at the
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