Cirih Zurich
Air Serbia flies to Zurich seven days a week, and this beautiful Swiss city is always one of the most popular and sought-after destinations
Er Srbija leti do Ciriha svih sedam dana u nedelji, a ovaj prelepi švajcarski grad uvek je jedna od najpopularnijih i najtraženijih destinacija
Nije hladno uz fondu Švajcarska je poznata po sirevima otmenog i prefinjenog ukusa, pa uop- šte nije čudno što u ovoj planinskoj ze- mlji fondu predstavlja pravu kulinarsku relikviju. Legenda kaže da je nastao još u 18. veku kada su pastiri na otvorenoj vatri u loncu topili sireve u mleku ili rakiji, dodavali im beli luk i začinske trave, pa onda u njega umakali komadiće hleba. Tajna savršene arome fondua leži u kombinaciji nekog pikantnijeg sira, po- put ementalera ili grijera i nekog mla- đeg sira blagog ukusa koji se fino to- pi, poput gaude i brija... Osim hleba, u fondu se danas sve češće umače sve- že seckano povrće ili voće. Inače, reč „fondue“ označava metalnu posudu u kojoj se sir topi i u kojoj se ovo jelo pri- prema pre nego što se posluži. Ako ste se dakle ovog novembra upu- tili u Cirih direktnim letom Er Srbije, do- zvolite sebi sve te divne, grešne kalorije u prelepom, snežnom okruženju okol- nih planina... IT'S NOT COLD WITH FONDUE Switzerland is famous for cheeses with alluring and refined flavours, which is why it comes as no surprise that fon- due represents a real culinary delight in this mountainous land. According to legend, it was created in the 18 th cen- tury by shepherds who melted differ- ent cheeses with milk or brandy in a pot over an open fire, adding garlic and herbs before dipping chunks of bread into the mix. The secret to the perfect fondue aro- ma lies in the combination of a more pi- quant cheese, such as Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a younger cheese that melts well and has a mild flavour, such as gouda, brie etc. Apart from bread, today freshly chopped vegetables and fruits are also increasingly dipped in fondue. Interestingly, the word “fon- due” signifies the metal pot in which the cheese is melted and the dish is pre- pared before serving. So, if you're heading to Zurich this No- vember on a direct Air Serbia flight, al- low yourself all those wonderful, sinful calories in the beautiful, snowy sur- roundings of Zurich mountains...
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