Tri pitanja za...
Marko Matović, First Officer Three questions for...
Marka Matovića, kopilota
Šta vi kao prvi oficir još treba da uradite da biste postali kapetan? – Prvo je potrebno određeno iskustvo i broj sati le- ta, a nakon toga određeni tehnički testovi, kao i ispit u simulatoru da postanete vođa vazduhoplova. Mislim da govorim u ime velikog procenta svojih kolega kada ka- žem da želimo da postanemo kapetani. Iako ta pozici- ja nosi puno odgovornosti, to je veliki stepenik u karije- ri svakog pilota.
As a first officer, what else do you have to do in or- der to become a captain? “The first requirement is a certain amount of expe- rience and number of flight hours, after which there is a need to make through certain technical tests and an exam in a simulator in order to become the leader of an air- craft. I think I speak for a large percentage of my collea- gues in saying that they want to become captains. Despite that position carrying lots of responsibility, it is a big step in every pilot’s career.” Could you single out the
Možete li da izdvojite šta je najlepše u vašem po- zivu i maštate li o nekim dalekim destinacijama? Možda o Kini? – Osim samog pilotiranja, koje, verujem, sve kolege obo- žavaju, jako je lepo što nam ovaj posao omogućava da upo- znamo različite gradove, kultu- re i običaje. Što se tiče destina- cija, već duže vreme planiram da otputujem za Lisabon zbog prelepe gradske arhitektu-
most beautiful aspect of yo- ur profession and whether you imagine flying to some distant destinations? Per- haps China? “Apart from piloting itself, whi- ch I believe all my colleagues adore, it’s really nice that this job enables us to get acquainted with different cities, cultures and customs. When it comes to destinations, I’ve long been planning a trip to Lisbon, be- cause of the city's beautiful archi- tecture, many museums and, as far as I've heard, the excellent tradi- tional Portuguese cuisine. Fortuna- tely for me, I had the opportunity to visit Guangzhou that Air Serbia flies to in China. The city was amazing and modern, while it still has a huge cultural and historical heritage. I’m
re, mnogo muzeja i, koliko sam čuo, izvrsne tradicionalne por- tugalske kuhinje. Na moju sre- ću, imao sam priliku da posetim Guangdžou do kojeg u Kini le- ti Er Srbija. Grad je stvarno za- divljujuć i moderan dok i dalje ima ogromno kulturno i istorij- sko nasleđe. Željno iščekujem januar i let za Šangaj. Gde biste nas odvezli u novembru? Neka omilje- na kasnojesenja destinacija? – Putnicima bih u ovo doba godine preporučio Mal- tu, zbog i dalje prijatne klime u novembru i obilaska glavnog grada Valete, koja je ujedno i najmanja presto- nica u Evropi. Budući da je pod zaštitom Uneskoa, ovaj gradić ujedno je muzej na otvorenom, pa je to još jedan dobar razlog da ga posetite.
eagerly awaiting January and the flight to Shanghai.” Where would you “carry” us in November? Any fa- vourite destinations for late autumn? “I would recommend that travellers visit Malta at this time of year, because of the climate that’s still pleasant in November and a tour of the capital city of Valletta, which is also the smallest capital in Europe. Given that it’s under UNESCO protection, this small city is also an open-air mu- seum, which is another good reason to pay it a visit.”
Imao sam priliku da posetim Guangdžou, pa sad željno iščekujem januar i let za Šangaj I had the opportunity to visit Guangzhou, and I’m now eagerly awaiting January and the flight to Shanghai
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