Circus World Your colourful stories of visi- ting China would be incom- plete if you couldn’t boast about the spectacular acro- batics you saw – and Shan - ghai Circus World is the best place to see them. Be dazzled by feats of contortion you ne- ver thought possible, all per- formed in a state-of-the-art facility that features a re- volving stage, computer-con- trolled lighting, a mirrored ca- ge and a digital water curtain. Ocean Aquarium The Pudong district is home to one of the largest aquariums on the planet. It proudly boa- sts the world’s longest subma- rine viewing tunnel, measuring a whopping 155 metres. It is al- so the world’s only aquarium to have a China zone, dedicated to showcasing local and en- dangered Chinese aquatic ani- mals, such as the Chinese stur- geon, the Yangtze alligator and the giant salamander. People's Park The urban oasis that is Shang- hai’s People’s Park lies off Na- njing Road, and while it’s a ple- asant enough place to enjoy some peace and quiet, its true beauty lies in the people who frequent it. Interact with locals as they gather for early mor- ning exercise or dance rituals. South Bund Fabric Market Want a designer look witho- ut the price tag? Head to the South Bund Fabric Market wi- th a picture of your design and be amazed at the three floors of tailors ready to dress you in style. Most stalls specialise in suits, coats or traditional dres- ses, but there’s always someo- ne on hand who can help you create a unique look. As a ge- neral rule, avoid the aggressi- ve touts on the first floor. The - ir work is not as high-quality as that of the tailors on the se-
Okean akvarijum Pudong je dom jednog od naj - već ih akvarijuma na plane - ti i može se pohvaliti najdu - žim tunelom za posmatranje podmornica na svetu, koji se prostire na ogromnih 155 me - tara. To je takođe jedini akva - rijum na svetu koji ima kine - sku zonu, posveć enu lokalnim i ugroženim vodenim životi - njama, kao što su kineska je - setra, aligator Jangce i dži - novski daždevnjak. Narodni park Ova urbana oaza leži pored Nanking puta, i iako je dovolj - no prijatno mesto za uživa - nje u miru i tišini, njegova pra - va lepota leži u ljudima koji ga poseć uju. Upoznajte se sa lo - kalnim stanovništvom koje se
okuplja na ranim jutarnjim ve - žbama ili plesnim ritualima. Tržište tkanina Južni Bund Želite dizajnerski izgled bez jakih cena? Idite na tržište tkanina Južni Bund noseći fo - tografiju svog željenog dizaj - na i bićete oduševljeni trima spratovima krojača spremnih da vas obuku u stilu. Već i - na štandova je specijalizova - na za odela, kapute ili tradici - onalne haljine, ali uvek postoji
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