Elevate November 2024 | Air Serbia

Ever listened to an album in the dark, without a phone, while stars twinkle up above? Ever felt slightly lost in the cos- mic dazzle? If not, perhaps now’s the time to listen to Cold- play’s new album, the romantically entitled Moon Music, which is the perfect background music for your next star- gazing session. The new album and its name actually provided a reason to stage an unforgettable evening in the magical atmosphere of Kalemegdan’s Belgrade Planetarium, where Mascom Publishing organised an exclusive listening party for Cold- play’s new album, a day before its official release. In a unique ambience, with “cosmic” cocktails, surrounded by a life- like projection of the sky from different parts of the world, we listened to the newest songs of one of the world’s big- gest concert bands. Observing the starry skies above Aus- tralia, the Sahara and the North Pole, it became clear to us at the Planetarium just how small we are compared to the endless array of galaxies. Coldplay's new songs are actu- ally intended to quickly connect us with Moon Music’s ob- vious mission, because the members of this band have for years been fascinated by the cosmos and the simple rules according to which the universe functions. And Chris Mar- tin even greeted us personally, just before we started listen- ing to the album... “Hello everyone, I'm Chris from Coldplay. When an album is complete, I’m never entirely certain what it’s saying specifi- cally. I think what this album is about is a response to strug- gling with the conflict within one's self, within myself, and al- so all the conflict outside, and working out what the best response is. And I think what Moon Music is trying to say is maybe love is the best response, even when that feels diffi- cult to do, which I definitely find it hard to do a lot of the time. Which is probably why we try and sing about it so much, as a reminder. So, a lot of the songs are about struggle, may- be personal, maybe that I see in other people, or maybe just that we're all feeling as a species. And in a way, it's a re- action to feeling so powerless in the face of so many cra- zy things happening internally and externally, and looking for answers. And all the answers I seem to respond to when I find them in poems or books or songs or anything, all seem to be about being kind to yourself, therefore being able to be yourself, which allows you to then let other people be them- selves, and that might end things more peacefully. Some of this might sound like nonsense, but that's what I feel,” said Coldplay’s frontman in an audio address. Moon Music isn’t the usual Coldplay record in every sense. There is a lot that’s recognisable, but the band has definitely gone a few steps further in addressing the universal themes of peace and harmonious life. This is a very melodic album, packed with emotional and energetic melodies. Coldplay’s tenth studio gave us an audio journey to the stars, so let yourself escape with Chris and the gang on a similar journey, and observe our tormented planet from a new perspective... MOON MUSIC, KALEMEGDAN & A JOURNEY THROUGH THE STARS

Mnogo je toga prepoznatljivog, ali je bend definitivno otišao dalje baveći se univerzalnim temama mira i harmoničnog života na novom albumu There is a lot that’s recognisable, but the band has definitely gone a few steps further in addressing the universal themes of peace and harmonious life with its new album

Nove pesme „Coldplaya“ upravo su to i imale za cilj, kao i da se veoma brzo povežemo sa misijom koju „Moon Mu- sic“ očigledno ima, jer su članovi benda već godinama fascinirani kosmosom i jednostavnim pravilima po kojima funkcioniše univerzum. A neposredno pred početak pre- slušavanja albuma pozdravio nas je Kris Martin lično... – Zdravo svima, ja sam Kris iz „Coldplaya“. Kada je al- bum gotov, nikada nisam u potpunosti siguran o čemu konkretno govori. Mislim da ovaj predstavlja odgovor na unutrašnji, lični konflikt, ali i na spoljašnje konflikte kao i pronalaženje najboljeg mogućeg rešenja za iste. Ono što album „Moon Music“ želi da poruči jeste da je možda lju- bav najbolji odgovor, čak i kada je teško pokazati je, a lič- no mislim da je tako u mnogim situacijama. Verovatno iz tog razloga upravo o tome toliko pevamo, da podsetimo šta je u životu važno. Mnoge pesme na albumu govore o ličnoj borbi, onoj koju sam prepoznao i osetio kod drugih ljudi. Možda taj osećaj svi kao vrsta imamo. Na neki na- čin to je i reakcija na osećaj bespomoćnosti naspram to- liko suludih stvari kojima smo okruženi – interno i ekster- no. Svi tražimo odgovore u knjigama, pesmama i uvek dođemo do zaključka i poruke koja govori o neophodno- sti da najpre budemo dobri prema sebi. Tada ćemo lako biti ono što jesmo, što dalje vodi ka tome da dozvolimo i drugima da budu ono što jesu. Kada to primenimo, svi će se konflikti rešiti daleko mirnije. Verovatno vam sve ovo zvuči besmisleno, ali ja se tako osećam i tako razmišljam – rekao je frontmen „Coldplaya“ u audio-obraćanju. U svakom smislu, „Moon Music“ ne spada u njihov uobi- čajen album. Mnogo je toga prepoznatljivog, ali je bend definitivno otišao i nekoliko koraka dalje baveći se uni- verzalnim temama mira i harmoničnog života. Reč je o vrlo melodičnom izdanju, punom emotivnih i poletnih melodija. Deseti studijski album benda „Coldplay“ pru- žio nam je zvučno putovanje ka zvezdama. Dozvolite se- bi da pobegnete sa Krisom i ekipom na slično putovanje i pogledate iz nove perspektive na ovu našu napaćenu planetu...

Music » Muzika | 53

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