„The Cure“ je zadržao ogroman broj sledbenika, uključujuć i mlade fanove The Cure has retained a huge following, including young fans
The Cure
Mislim da neke emocije možete da otpevate samo određeni broj puta. Pokušao sam da pišem pesme o nečemu druga- čijem od onoga kako se oseć am, ali one su bile suve, intelek- tualne, to nisam ja – objasnio je Robert Smit zašto smo toliko morali da čekamo na njegov neprevaziđeni glas, na muziku koja je utkana u DNK cele jedne generacije, ali koja i danas ne biva ništa manje zanimljiva i aktuelna. Kultni britanski bend „The Cure“ objavio je „A Fragile Thing“, drugi singl sa dugoočekivanog albuma „Songs Of A Lost World“, njihovog prvog izdanja posle 16 godina pauze. Po- slednji album iz 2008. godine, „4:13 Dream“, dostigao je 16. mesto na „Billboard 200“ album lestvici, a nedavno je objav- ljena i numera „Alone“, koja je najavila album. – „A Fragile Thing“ je vođena onim teskobama sa kojima se suočavamo kada biramo između potreba koje se međusob- no isključuju i toga kako se nosimo sa uzaludnim kajanjem koje dolazi nakon odlučivanja, koliko god bili sigurni da je ta odluka ispravna... Često je teško biti osoba koja zaista mora- mo da budemo – izjavio je Robert Smit o novom singlu. „The Cure“ je oformljen 1978. godine i trenutno broji pre- ko 30 miliona prodatih albuma širom sveta, četiri puta su bi- li hedlajneri „Glestonberi“ festivala, postali su članovi najve- će rok institucije – „Rock And Roll Hall of Fame“ 2019. Tokom godina postojanja stvorili su armiju fanova, a njihova boga- ta diskografija je postala žanr za sebe, spajajući „new wave“ i pank sa neogotičkom veličanstvenošću, čineći ih jednim od najuticajnijih britanskih bendova svih vremena. „The Cure“ je zadržao ogroman broj sledbenika, uključujuć i mlade fanove, pa ne čudi što imaju više od 17 miliona slušanja mesečno na Spotifaju, znatno više od već ine bendova iz osamdesetih. Konačno lek – pesme izgubljenog sveta
“I think there’s only so many times you can sing certain emo- tions. I have tried to write songs about something other than how I felt, but they’re dry, they’re intellectual, and that’s not me,” said Robert Smith, explaining why we’ve had to wait so long to once again experience his incomparable voice and music that is woven into the DNA of an entire generation, but which remains no less interesting and relevant today. Cult British band The Cure has released A Fragile Thing as the second single from the long-awaited album Songs Of A Lost World – the band’s first release in 16 years. The Cure’s previous album, 4:13 Dream, released in 2008, reached No. 16 on the Billboard 200 album chart, while the track Alone was recently released as the new album’s lead single. “A Fragile Thing is driven by the difficulties we face choos- ing between mutually exclusive needs, and how we deal with the futile regrets that can follow these choices, however sure we are that the right choices have been made… It can be real- ly hard to be the person you need to be,” said Smith describ- ing the new single. Formed in 1978, The Cure has to date totalled more than 30 mil- lion album sales worldwide and headlined Glastonbury Festival four times. They also became members of the world’s biggest rock institution - the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - in 2019. During their years of existence, The band has amassed an army of fans over the many years of its existence, while its rich discography has become a genre in its own right, fusing new wave and punk with neo-gothic majesty, making The Cure one of the all-time most influential British bands. The Cure has retained a huge fol- lowing, including young fans, so it should come as no surprise that the band has more than 17 million streams a month on Spo- tify, which is significantly more than the majority of ‘80s bands.
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